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如何在 powerbi 函数中循环遍历列中的元素?

更新时间:2023-10-23 18:39:40

实际上你们已经很接近了.您唯一缺少的是,在您的 List.Transform 中,您希望第二个元素是一个函数,而不是列名中提取的数字.要解决这个问题,只需添加一个 each 以便它告诉如何转换每个值,而不是该值是什么.

You're actually very close. The only bit you are missing is that in your List.Transform you want the second element to be a function, not the extracted numbers in your column name. To fix this, just add an each so it's telling how to transform each value rather than what that value is.

(Tbl_InputTable as table, Lst_Column as list) as table => let
    Result = Table.TransformColumns(
            each {_, each Text.TrimStart(Text.Select(_, {"0".."9"}), "0")}


With this function defined, you should be able to call it like this:

CleanRN(PrevQueryTable, {"NumericTextColumn"})

每个 ... 是一个函数,它把 _ 转换成你指定的任何东西(相当于语法 (_) => ...,一个带有参数 (_) => ... 的函数)代码>_代码>).在这种情况下,我们在一个函数中有一个函数.外层是将每个 _ 转换为列表 {_, function},而内层是指定该函数是什么.我们想要这个列表的原因从 我之前回答过的你链接的问题.

each ... is a function that transforms _ into whatever you specify (equivalent to syntax (_) => ..., a function with parameter _). In this case, we have a function within a function. The outer one is transforming each _ into a list {_, function} and the inner one is specifying what that function is. The reason we want this list is more clear from the question you linked that I answered previously.