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在 Django 模板中相乘

更新时间:2023-10-25 23:36:52


You need to use a custom template tag. Template filters only accept a single argument, while a custom template tag can accept as many parameters as you need, do your multiplication and return the value to the context.

您需要查看 Django 模板标签文档,但一个简单的例子是:

You'll want to check out the Django template tag documentation, but a quick example is:

from django import template
register = template.Library()

def multiply(qty, unit_price, *args, **kwargs):
    # you would need to do any localization of the result here
    return qty * unit_price


{% load your_custom_template_tags %}

{% for cart_item in cart.cartitem_set.all %}
    {% multiply cart_item.quantity cart_item.unit_price %}
{% endfor %}


Are you sure you don't want to make this result a property of the cart item? It would seem like you'd need this information as part of your cart when you do your checkout.