
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-02-17 09:28:08


Here are some bits and pieces of an answer, there are still too many gaps in what you've told us to permit a good answer, but you can fill those in yourself. From everything you've told us I don't think that the major part of your task is to efficiently calculate a large similarity matrix, I think that the major parts are to efficiently retrieve values from such a matrix and to efficiently update the matrix.


As we've already determined the matrix is sparse and symmetric; it would be useful to know how sparse. This reduces the storage requirements considerably, but we don't know by how much.


You've told us a bit about updates to user profiles but does your similarity matrix have to be updated as frequently ? My expectation (another assumption) is that similarity measures do not change quickly or sharply when a user modifies his/her profile. From this I hypothesise that working with a similarity measure which is a few minutes (even a few hours) out of date won't do any serious harm.


I think that all this takes us into the domain of databases, which should support fast access to stored similarity measures of the volumes you indicate. I'd be looking to do batch updates of the measures, and only of the measures for users whose profiles have changed, at an interval to suit your demands and availability of computer power.


As for the initial creation of the first version of the similarity matrix, so what if it takes a week in the background, you're only going to do it once.