
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-27 17:06:58


Next script requires another parameter order (list of batch names down to end all other parameters):

SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
rem usage: 33955749.bat name address "first script", second, third
  if "%~3" == "" goto :next
  if exist "%~n3.bat" (
    call "%~n3.bat" %1 %2
  ) else (
    echo can't found file; failed call "%~n3.bat" %1 %2 
  shift /3
  goto :loop

有关调试目的,prepare样本文件第一script.bat second.bat ;确保 third.bat 不存在:

For debugging purposes, prepare sample files "first script.bat" and second.bat; ensure that third.bat does not exist:

==> >"first script.bat" echo @echo %~nx0 parameters: %%*=%*

==> >second.bat echo @echo %~nx0 parameters: %%*=%*

==> 2>NUL del third.bat


Output (shows independency on used delimiters):

==> 33955749 name address "first script", second, third
first script.bat parameters: %*=name address
second.bat parameters: %*=name address
can't found file; failed call "third.bat" name address

==> 33955749 name address "first script"  second; third
first script.bat parameters: %*=name address
second.bat parameters: %*=name address
can't found file; failed call "third.bat" name address


Another approach: fist parameter = list of comma-separated batch names surrounded with a pair of double quotes:

SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
rem usage: 33955749b "first script,second,third" name address
rem no spaces surrounding commas or names
rem wrong: 33955749b " first script , second, third" would fail
set "_names=%~1"
set "_names=%_names:,=","%"
rem debug echo _names="%_names%"
for  %%G in ("%_names%") do (
  if exist "%%~dpnG.bat" (
    call "%%~dpnG.bat" %2 %3
  ) else (
    echo can't found script; failed call "%%~dpnG.bat" %2 %3 


Output (shows responsivity to used delimiters):

==> 33955749b "first script,second,third" name address
first script.bat parameters: %*=name address
second.bat parameters: %*=name address
can't found script; failed call "D:\bat\SO\third.bat" name address

==> 33955749b "first script, second,third" name address
first script.bat parameters: %*=name address
can't found script; failed call "D:\bat\SO\ second.bat" name address
can't found script; failed call "D:\bat\SO\third.bat" name address

请注意,这两个 33955749.bat 33955749b.bat 脚本

  • 接受(部分或完全限定)路径称为脚本,即使有空间(S);

  • 在另一方面
  • ,他们都忽略了文件的扩展名(S),即使提供,力的.bat

  • accept (partially or fully qualified) paths to called scripts, even with space(s);
  • on the other hand, they both ignore file extension(s) even if supplied and force .bat.

例如, 33955749名称地址first.cmd second.cmd 将试图调用 first.bat second.bat


Resources (required reading, incomplete):

  • (command reference) An A-Z Index of the Windows CMD command line
  • (additional particularities) Windows CMD Shell Command Line Syntax
  • (%~G, %~1 etc. special page) Command Line arguments (Parameters)
  • (%variable:StrToFind=NewStr% etc.) Variable Edit/Replace