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更新时间:2023-10-27 17:44:40

也许混淆源于您希望一次执行两个操作的事实.为什么不将它们分开? DSL风格:

var list = new ImmutableList<string>("Hello");
var list2 = list.Copy().With("World!");

Copy将返回一个中间对象,该对象是原始列表的可变副本. With将返回一个新的不可变列表.



var list1 = new ImmutableList<string>("Hello");
var list2 = list1.Copy(list => list.Add("World!"));


public ImmutableList<T> Copy(Action<IList<T>> mutate) {
  if (mutate == null) return this;
  var list = new List<T>(this);
  return new ImmutableList<T>(list);



如果您仍然不喜欢可变列表,即使现在已经包含了可变列表,您也可以设计一个规范对象,该规范对象将对 specify script 复制操作将转换其列表.用法将是相同的:

var list1 = new ImmutableList<string>("Hello");
// rules is a specification object, that takes commands to run in the copied collection
var list2 = list1.Copy(rules => rules.Append("World!"));



public ImmutableList(params T[] elements) ...


var list = new ImmutableList<string>("Hello", "immutable", "World");


var list = new ImmutableList<string>(rules => 



var suite = new TestSuite<string, int>(x => x.Length);
var otherSuite = suite.Copy(rules => 
    .Append(x => Int32.Parse(x))
    .Append(x => x.GetHashCode())

Sorry for the waffly title - if I could come up with a concise title, I wouldn't have to ask the question.

Suppose I have an immutable list type. It has an operation Foo(x) which returns a new immutable list with the specified argument as an extra element at the end. So to build up a list of strings with values "Hello", "immutable", "world" you could write:

var empty = new ImmutableList<string>();
var list1 = empty.Foo("Hello");
var list2 = list1.Foo("immutable");
var list3 = list2.Foo("word");

(This is C# code, and I'm most interested in a C# suggestion if you feel the language is important. It's not fundamentally a language question, but the idioms of the language may be important.)

The important thing is that the existing lists are not altered by Foo - so empty.Count would still return 0.

Another (more idiomatic) way of getting to the end result would be:

var list = new ImmutableList<string>().Foo("Hello")

My question is: what's the best name for Foo?

EDIT 3: As I reveal later on, the name of the type might not actually be ImmutableList<T>, which makes the position clear. Imagine instead that it's TestSuite and that it's immutable because the whole of the framework it's a part of is immutable...

(End of edit 3)

Options I've come up with so far:

  • Add: common in .NET, but implies mutation of the original list
  • Cons: I believe this is the normal name in functional languages, but meaningless to those without experience in such languages
  • Plus: my favourite so far, it doesn't imply mutation to me. Apparently this is also used in Haskell but with slightly different expectations (a Haskell programmer might expect it to add two lists together rather than adding a single value to the other list).
  • With: consistent with some other immutable conventions, but doesn't have quite the same "additionness" to it IMO.
  • And: not very descriptive.
  • Operator overload for + : I really don't like this much; I generally think operators should only be applied to lower level types. I'm willing to be persuaded though!

The criteria I'm using for choosing are:

  • Gives the correct impression of the result of the method call (i.e. that it's the original list with an extra element)
  • Makes it as clear as possible that it doesn't mutate the existing list
  • Sounds reasonable when chained together as in the second example above

Please ask for more details if I'm not making myself clear enough...

EDIT 1: Here's my reasoning for preferring Plus to Add. Consider these two lines of code:


In my view (and this is a personal thing) the latter is clearly buggy - it's like writing "x + 5;" as a statement on its own. The first line looks like it's okay, until you remember that it's immutable. In fact, the way that the plus operator on its own doesn't mutate its operands is another reason why Plus is my favourite. Without the slight ickiness of operator overloading, it still gives the same connotations, which include (for me) not mutating the operands (or method target in this case).

EDIT 2: Reasons for not liking Add.

Various answers are effectively: "Go with Add. That's what DateTime does, and String has Replace methods etc which don't make the immutability obvious." I agree - there's precedence here. However, I've seen plenty of people call DateTime.Add or String.Replace and expect mutation. There are loads of newsgroup questions (and probably SO ones if I dig around) which are answered by "You're ignoring the return value of String.Replace; strings are immutable, a new string gets returned."

Now, I should reveal a subtlety to the question - the type might not actually be an immutable list, but a different immutable type. In particular, I'm working on a benchmarking framework where you add tests to a suite, and that creates a new suite. It might be obvious that:

var list = new ImmutableList<string>();

isn't going to accomplish anything, but it becomes a lot murkier when you change it to:

var suite = new TestSuite<string, int>();
suite.Add(x => x.Length);

That looks like it should be okay. Whereas this, to me, makes the mistake clearer:

var suite = new TestSuite<string, int>();
suite.Plus(x => x.Length);

That's just begging to be:

var suite = new TestSuite<string, int>().Plus(x => x.Length);

Ideally, I would like my users not to have to be told that the test suite is immutable. I want them to fall into the pit of success. This may not be possible, but I'd like to try.

I apologise for over-simplifying the original question by talking only about an immutable list type. Not all collections are quite as self-descriptive as ImmutableList<T> :)

Maybe the confusion stems from the fact that you want two operations in one. Why not separate them? DSL style:

var list = new ImmutableList<string>("Hello");
var list2 = list.Copy().With("World!");

Copy would return an intermediate object, that's a mutable copy of the original list. With would return a new immutable list.


But, having an intermediate, mutable collection around is not a good approach. The intermediate object should be contained in the Copy operation:

var list1 = new ImmutableList<string>("Hello");
var list2 = list1.Copy(list => list.Add("World!"));

Now, the Copy operation takes a delegate, which receives a mutable list, so that it can control the copy outcome. It can do much more than appending an element, like removing elements or sorting the list. It can also be used in the ImmutableList constructor to assemble the initial list without intermediary immutable lists.

public ImmutableList<T> Copy(Action<IList<T>> mutate) {
  if (mutate == null) return this;
  var list = new List<T>(this);
  return new ImmutableList<T>(list);

Now there's no possibility of misinterpretation by the users, they will naturally fall into the pit of success.

Yet another update:

If you still don't like the mutable list mention, even now that it's contained, you can design a specification object, that will specify, or script, how the copy operation will transform its list. The usage will be the same:

var list1 = new ImmutableList<string>("Hello");
// rules is a specification object, that takes commands to run in the copied collection
var list2 = list1.Copy(rules => rules.Append("World!"));

Now you can be creative with the rules names and you can only expose the functionality that you want Copy to support, not the entire capabilities of an IList.

For the chaining usage, you can create a reasonable constructor (which will not use chaining, of course):

public ImmutableList(params T[] elements) ...


var list = new ImmutableList<string>("Hello", "immutable", "World");

Or use the same delegate in another constructor:

var list = new ImmutableList<string>(rules => 

This assumes that the rules.Append method returns this.

This is what it would look like with your latest example:

var suite = new TestSuite<string, int>(x => x.Length);
var otherSuite = suite.Copy(rules => 
    .Append(x => Int32.Parse(x))
    .Append(x => x.GetHashCode())