
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-27 21:28:52

这个包似乎需要本机编译。您需要为此安装Visual Studio C ++构建工具。你可以从下面链接下载

This packages seems to be requiring native compiling. You need to install Visual Studio C++ Build Tools for the same. You can download the same from below link


此后你需要确保 CL.exe 在您的路径中可用。它将在 C:\Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 \VC\ce\bin 之类的路径上。这将根据您安装的构建工具的版本而更改。

Also after that you need to make sure that CL.exe is available in your path. It would be on a path like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\ce\bin. This would change based on the version of build tools you have installed.

如果设置不适合您,则需要确保更新Windows PATH环境变量。

You will need to make sure to update your Windows PATH environment variable if the setup doesn't do that for you.


Also if npm still fails, you can always try using yarn

yarn add web3@1.0.0-beta.24