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更改CTRL + S以在Vim中保存文件时,TAB不起作用

更新时间:2023-10-28 09:38:34

:nmap仅在普通模式下定义映射.对于插入模式,请使用:imap(通常,除非您确实需要进行重新映射,否则***使用:inoremap),并通过在<C-o>(对于单个命令)或<Esc>(在此处更合适)之前首先退出插入模式. ,因为无论如何您都想将缓冲区保留为:quit.

:nmap only defines the mapping in normal mode. For insert mode, use :imap (in general, prefer :inoremap unless you really need remapping to take place), and first leave insert mode by prepending <C-o> (for a single command) or <Esc> (more appropriate here, since you want to leave the buffer with :quit, anyway).

:inoremap <C-s> <C-o>:wq!<cr>


BTW, I find it interesting that you also want to quit the buffer. For me, the mapping is helpful because I can quickly type it in the middle of editing, so that I can frequently persist the changes.

" Use CTRL-S for saving, also in Insert mode
:nnoremap <C-S>     :<C-U>update<CR>
:vnoremap <C-S>     :<C-U>update<CR>gv
:cnoremap <C-S>     <C-C>:update<CR>
:inoremap <C-S>     <C-O>:update<CR>