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Vue Router 如何连续滚动到相同的哈希

更新时间:2023-10-28 22:54:28

鉴于我的时间有限(老实说我会)继续尝试解决方案,我选择使用 vue-anchor-router-link (https://github.com/mperator/vue-anchor-router-link),这就像一个魅力.非常感谢大家,你们的回答帮助我更好地理解了 Vue 和 Vue Router 处理锚链接的方式.

Given I had limited time (and will, to be honest) to keep on trying solutions I opted to go with vue-anchor-router-link (https://github.com/mperator/vue-anchor-router-link), which worked like a charm. Thank you so much to everyone, your answers helped me understand better the way Vue and Vue Router handle anchor links.