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使用AVCaptureSession& amp;翻转相机时进行无缝音频录制AVAssetWriter

更新时间:2023-10-29 18:57:46


Hey I was facing the same issue and discovered that after switching cameras the next frame was pushed far out of place. This seemed to shift every frame after that thus causing the the video and audio to be out of sync. My solution was to shift every misplaced frame to it's correct position after switching cameras.

很抱歉,我的答案将是Swift 4.2


You'll have to use AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor in order to append the sample buffers at a specify presentation timestamp.

previousPresentationTimeStamp是上一帧的显示时间戳,而currentPresentationTimestamp是您猜测当前帧的显示时间戳. maxFrameDistance在测试时效果很好,但是您可以根据自己的喜好进行更改.

previousPresentationTimeStamp is the presentation timestamp of the previous frame and currentPresentationTimestamp is as you guessed the presentation timestamp of the current. maxFrameDistance worked every well when testing but you can change this to your liking.

let currentFramePosition = (Double(self.frameRate) * Double(currentPresentationTimestamp.value)) / Double(currentPresentationTimestamp.timescale)
let previousFramePosition = (Double(self.frameRate) * Double(previousPresentationTimeStamp.value)) / Double(previousPresentationTimeStamp.timescale)
var presentationTimeStamp = currentPresentationTimestamp
let maxFrameDistance = 1.1
let frameDistance = currentFramePosition - previousFramePosition
if frameDistance > maxFrameDistance {
    let expectedFramePosition = previousFramePosition + 1.0
    //print("[mwCamera]: Frame at incorrect position moving from \(currentFramePosition) to \(expectedFramePosition)")

    let newFramePosition = ((expectedFramePosition) * Double(currentPresentationTimestamp.timescale)) / Double(self.frameRate)

    let newPresentationTimeStamp = CMTime.init(value: CMTimeValue(newFramePosition), timescale: currentPresentationTimestamp.timescale)

    presentationTimeStamp = newPresentationTimeStamp

let success = assetWriterInputPixelBufferAdator.append(pixelBuffer, withPresentationTime: presentationTimeStamp)
if !success, let error = assetWriter.error {


Also please note - This worked because I kept the frame rate consistent, so make sure that you have total control of the capture device's frame rate throughout this process.
