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更新时间:2023-10-31 15:41:10


Here's what I came up with. It is just for two summands; if you have more, you'll have to adapt things a bit, in particular with the carry, which can then be larger than 19, and the way the result string is allocated:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    // Two original strings of large integers
    string str1 = "1234567890",
           str2 = "2345678901234";

    // Zero-padd str1 and str2 to the same length
    size_t n = max(str1.size(), str2.size());
    if (n > str1.size())
        str1 = string(n-str1.size(), '0') + str1;
    if (n > str2.size())
        str2 = string(n-str2.size(), '0') + str2;

    // Final product string, sum of two original strings.
    // The sum of two integers has at most one digit more, for more inputs make
    // below reverse_iterator a back_insert_iterator, then reverse the result
    // and skip the removal of the padding.
    string final(n+1, '0');

    // The carry
    char carry = 0;

    // Iterators
    string::const_reverse_iterator s1 = str1.rbegin(), e = str1.rend(),
                                   s2 = str2.rbegin();
    string::reverse_iterator f = final.rbegin();

    // Conversion
    for (; s1 != e; ++s1, ++s2, ++f)
        // Bracketing to avoid overflow
        char tmp = (*s1-'0')+(*s2-'0') + carry;
        if (tmp > 9)
            carry = 1;
            tmp -= 10;
            carry = 0;
        *f = tmp + '0';
    final[0] = carry + '0';

    // Remove leading zeros from result
    n = final.find_first_not_of("0");
    if (n != string::npos)
        final = final.substr(n);

    cout << "str1 = " << str1 << endl
         << "str2 = " << str2 << endl
         << "final = " << final << endl;