
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-31 23:12:16


A font program contains all the path construction operators that are needed to draw a set of glyphs. When you use a glyph from a font, these drawing instructions are executed along with a path painting operator. By default, the path painting operator is a "fill" operator. No borders are drawn, the shape is just filled using the current fill color. This is called the default render mode.


Other rendermodes are for instance "stroke" which draws the outlines of the glyph using the current stroke color, but doesn't fill it. Or "fill and stroke" which draws the outlines using the default stroke color and fills the path using the default fill color. There's also a render mode "invisible" in which case nothing is stroked, nothing is filled.


Looking at your image, it seems like the render mode that is used fills the glyph in gray and strokes it using black (and the line width seems to be quite thick). If I had to guess, I'd say that you're trying to mimic "bold". The best way to draw text in bold, is to switch from a regular font (e.g. arial.ttf) to a bold font (e.g. arialbd.ttf). Unfortunately, not every font has a bold counterpart (e.g. there's arialuni.ttf, but no arialunibd.ttf). In that case, bold is mimicked by changing the render mode to "fill and stroke" and the line width is changed to give the glyphs a bold appearance. This could be what is happening in your case.

检查您的HTML:您有没有机会谈论粗体字?如果是这样,也许您应该更改字体以及颜色.这样,您将使用 true 粗体字体而不是 pseudo 假字体.

Check your HTML: are you by any chance talking about text that is in bold? If so, maybe you should change the font along with the color. That way, you'll use a true bold font instead of a pseudo false font.

免责声明::我不知道飞碟,也不想知道.飞碟正在使用iText生成PDF. iText是我编写的一个库,但是Flying Saucer在使用它时并未与我经营的iText Group NV建立业务关系.因此,飞碟的创建者有责任支持他们的软件.

DISCLAIMER: I don't know Flying Saucer and I don't want to know it. Flying Saucer is using iText for PDF generation. iText is a library I wrote, but Flying Saucer is using it without having established a business relationship with iText Group NV, which is a company I run. Hence it's the responsibility of the creators of Flying Saucer to support their software.