
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-01 10:23:58

我的标准日常开发工作是在Docker For Mac/Windows上进行的,因为它们涵盖了我需要使用Docker进行的约95%的工作.自从他们取代Docker Toolbox/boot2docker并无缝集成到操作系统以来,我发现很少有理由转移到另一个虚拟机.我现在看到使用使用Vagrant 或独立VM的两个主要原因是用于VM定制和群集.

My standard day to day development work is carried out in Docker For Mac/Windows as they cover about 95% of what I need to do with Docker. Since they replaced Docker Toolbox/boot2docker and made the integration to the OS pretty seamless I have found very few reasons to move over to another virtual machine. The two main reasons I see for using Vagrant or standalone VM's now are for VM customisation and clustering.

由Docker工具箱(适用于Mac/Windows的Docker)提供的虚拟机已预先打包,用于缩减Linux发行版( TinyCore Alpine )都是短暂的,除了Docker配置外,所以您不会说太多他们如何工作.

The virtual machines supplied by Docker Toolbox, Docker for Mac/Windows are pre packaged cut down Linux distros (TinyCore and Alpine) that are largely ephemeral, except for the Docker configuration so you don't get much say in how they work.


I deal with a number of custom network configurations that just aren't possible in the pre packaged VM's, largely around having containers connected to routable networks rather than using mapped ports.

有时,您需要使用devicemapper复制运行旧版本Docker守护程序的服务器环境或RHEL服务器. VM让您选择要安装的软件包.

Occasionally you need to replicate server environments that run old versions of the Docker daemon, or RHEL servers using devicemapper. A VM let's you choose the packages to install.


Building a swarm, or branching out into Mesosphere/Kubernetes will require multiple VM's. I tend to find these easier to manage and build with Vagrant rather than Docker Machine, and again they require custom config inside the VM.