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无法启动WEBrick,Rails gem文件夹为空

更新时间:2023-11-01 10:27:46


我遵循了建议@ scarver2回应了我的其他问题,并从我全新安装的Ruby 1.9.3中卸载 Rails Railties gems。 (我已经使用 RailsInstaller 安装了它)。然后,我通过键入

  gem来安装 Rails 3.2.16  gem安装rails -v 3.2.16 

并且这也安装了相应的 Railties 3.2 .16 gem没有我的介入。

然后我遵循了第1.2.3章的步骤。和1.2.5。但确保在我的 Gemfile 中引用 ruby​​ 版本的行实际上对应于我的Ruby版本已安装。


  ruby​​ -v 

,以确保我的版本是1.9.3。确实。确认这一点,我在我的应用程序中编辑了 Gemfile ,所以它说


而不是 ruby​​'2.0.0清单1.5中使用的行。


控制台中的 bundle update 
bundle install


  rails server 

完成了它应该有的功能,并启动了我的WEBrick服务器,允许我在本地主机***问我的应用程序。 Yay!

现在,我认为可能出错了,最后一次是我搞砸了 Gemfile ,所以宝石版本和他们的依赖关系搞砸了。我还假设通过安装和卸载不同版本的各种gem来无法解决这个问题并不完全有帮助。可能有帮助的是卸载 Rails Railties gems,并安装 Rails gem again。

I'm following Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails tutorial, and I got stuck at trying to start rails server on my Windows 7 machine.

I'm trying to do this by following instructions in Chapter 1.2.5., i.e. by typing

rails server

However, instead of booting WEBrick, this returns the instructions for usage of 'rails' command. I've been googling this for a while, and some of the answers seem to have implied that something is wrong with the rails gem.

Now, I've found the rails gem folder ("C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby1.9.3\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\rails-3.2.3"), and it's empty!

Also when I try

rails -v

it returns "Rails 3.2.16", although I've removed this version of the gem; if I try

gem list

it kept telling me that the version is 3.2.3.

This persisted until I deleted railties version 3.2.16, which resulted in

rails -v

returning 'Rails 3.2.3', but I still can't boot WEBrick.

Any help would be appreciated.

OK, I've managed to solve my problem.

I've seen a few more people having the same issue, but none of the solutions that I've found helped me, so here's what did it for me, though I'm not 100% sure what exactly was that one thing that actually did it...

I've followed the advice @scarver2 gave in response to my other question, and uninstalled both Rails and Railties gems from my crispy fresh installation of Ruby 1.9.3. (I've installed it using RailsInstaller). Then I've installed Rails 3.2.16 gem by typing

gem install rails -v 3.2.16

and this also installed the corresponding Railties 3.2.16 gem without my intervention.

Then I followed steps from chapters 1.2.3. and 1.2.5. of the tutorial, but making sure that line referencing ruby version in my Gemfile actually corresponds to the version of Ruby that I have installed.

I typed

ruby -v

in the console, to make sure that I have version 1.9.3. indeed. Confirming this, I've edited the Gemfile in my app so it says

ruby '1.9.3'

instead of ruby '2.0.0' line that's used in Listing 1.5. of the tutorial.

After that I've simply went to my app folder, and typed

bundle update
bundle install

in the console, and this time it did not return any errors as it did in my previous attempts. After that, typing

rails server 

did what it should have, and my WEBrick server booted, allowing me to access my app on localhost. Yay!

Now, what I think may have gone wrong the last time was either me screwing up the Gemfile, so the gem versions and their dependencies got messed up. I also assume that ineptly trying to fix this by installing and uninstalling different versions of various gems did not quite help. What may have helped was uninstalling Rails and Railties gems, and installing Rails gem again.