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如何实现在Java C#事件的行为(Android版)

更新时间:2023-11-04 20:31:22



}公共类MyEventArgs {


好了,那么你需要一个类(或多个类),这触发您的活动: MyClass的
通常的 MyClass的有某种方式对其他类,谁愿意为 MyClass的事件作出回应,注册
自己与 MyClass的。 (或者更precisely,与特定对象登记自己的 MyClass的)。这使得在 MyClass的 -object知道哪些其他的对象应该告知当事件发生。


这通常是通过创建一个名为方法完成的添加[ListenerName] - 在这种情况下, addMyListener 中的 MyClass的
为了使这个例子简单,我们只是假设有可能的永远只能有一个的监听器,所以我们将它称为 setMyListener 而不是:

 公共类MyClass的{    私人myListener的侦听器= NULL;    //这是有时会触发一个事件,通过调用下面的fireEvent()方法的方法
        ...    }    //这是从上面的方法调用,用于触发事件 - 即告知该事件已经发生听众
        如果(听众!= NULL){
            MyEventArgs的EventArgs =新MyEventArgs(......什么......);
    }    //此方法由听众呼吁,要自身注册为这个对象上的监听器。
    // MyClass的记得听众中的听众的实例变量,从而使
        this.listener =侦听器;

(支持多个监听器,只是有位听众的名单列表< myListener的>听众而不是 myListener的侦听器实例变量,并创建一个的addListener和的removeListener方法,而不是使用setListener方法,在Android的API,他们通常只允许一个监听器,所以我想我会表明版本)

所以,现在我们只需要这要监听的事件的类。即该类实施 myListener的接口。 (这个类是这样一个监听器)。一个简单的例子:

 公共类MyListeningClass实现myListener的{    公共MyListeningClass(){
        MyClass的MyClass的= ...从某处获得MyClass的对象...;
    }    //这是由MyClass的事件发生时被称为
        的System.out.println(MyEventArgs是:+ EventArgs的);

(当然,你实际上并不需要创建界面,如果你不想,你当然就很难code中的MyListeningClass MyClass中代替,但***风格来使用接口,以相互分离MyClass的和MyListeningClass。此外,它还会更扩展后,允许其他类比MyListeningClass监听的事件了。)

有Java API中的许多这样的例子。例如SWING大量使用监听器 - 例如用于按钮点击,你提到。当然Android的API了。



  • MyClass的(生产事件类)需要一些方法来告诉其他类有关该事件已经发生,当事件发生。

  • 对于 MyClass的以能够调用的方法在这些其他类,他们要实现一些接口。

  • 当事件发生时,被告知这要的类,需要一种方法来告诉 MyClass的,他们希望
    被告知这件事。这是我们需要在 MyClass.setMyListener 方式的原因。
    (或者,如果我们已经允许多个监听器:在 MyClass.addMyListener 方式)




when i was programming in c# i was making very often use of events. Now I would like to achieve something similar in Java. I know both languages are diffrent and there are some diffrences in implementing such mechanism. Well to give better picture maybe i will describe a little what i want to get, because i might confuse some of terminology:

MyClass contains code that handles launching MyEvent and some code that in certain situations launches that event.

MyEventArgs is class that transports data from MyClass and is sent along with event launch, so function that handles MyEvent has some additional information about state of MyClass instance.

And there is MyApp class that in main method contains instance of MyClass and code handling MyEvent and when event is raised inside MyClass certain actions are performed in code that listens to MyEvent.

If it's still unclear, what i mean to achieve is exactly like c# mechanism that is behind button click, just instead of button there is my class, there are my event arguments instead of mouse event args and there is behaviour designed by me instead of click.

I've tried to google some answers to my problem and for example i found sites like:

http://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2011/12/observer-design-pattern-java-example.html http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/javaqa/2002-03/01-qa-0315-happyevent.html

And either im just lost and I'm looking in bad places/using bad keywords, or what more possible i can't understand anything out of these examples/i can't transform them to work in way I need.

What im asking for, is some example, or atleast some draft of code handling such mechanism with use of MyClass, MyEvent, MyEventArgs, names, pointing code i should use in my class to raise event and some sample use of class and handling of event in Main method, so it would help me wrap my mind around this problem.


Maybe there are some things like that avaliable for android developers? As my goal is to get to get into mobile apps development after i dust off java.


If anyone still interested, here is some sample code, it doesn't use names i metioned, just shows in general what im looking for:

And is there no exact solution, maybe somone would suggest something similar to thing im looking for?


namespace SampleApp
    public partial class frmTest : Form
        CountdownTimer ctmrTest;

        public frmTest()
            ctmrTest = new CountdownTimer(100);
            ctmrTest.CountdownTimerTick += new CountdownTimer.CountdownTimerTickEventHandler(ctmrTest_CountdownTimerTick); 

        void ctmrTest_CountdownTimerTick(object sender, CountdownTimerEventArgs ea)
            lblTimer.Text = ea.timeString;
            if (ea.countdownFinished) countdownEnd();

        private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        void countdownEnd()


namespace SampleApp
    public class CountdownTimer
        Timer tmrTicks = new Timer();
        int secondsLeft = 0;
        int numberOfSecondsToCountdown = 0;

        public bool IsWorking
            get { return tmrTicks.Enabled; }

        public CountdownTimer(int seconds)

        void tmrTicks_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WhenCountdownTimerTick(new CountdownTimerEventArgs(secondsLeft, numberOfSecondsToCountdown, true));

        public void Reset()
            WhenCountdownTimerTick(new CountdownTimerEventArgs(secondsLeft, numberOfSecondsToCountdown, false));

        public void Stop()
            tmrTicks.Enabled = false;

        public void Start()

        public delegate void CountdownTimerTickEventHandler(object sender, CountdownTimerEventArgs ea);

        public event CountdownTimerTickEventHandler CountdownTimerTick;

        protected virtual void WhenCountdownTimerTick(CountdownTimerEventArgs ea)
            if (CountdownTimerTick != null)
                CountdownTimerTick(this, ea);


namespace SampleApp
    public class CountdownTimerEventArgs : EventArgs
        public string timeString = "";
        public bool countdownFinished = false;

        public CountdownTimerEventArgs(int secondsLeft, int SecondsToCountdown, bool isfinished)
            countdownFinished = isfinished;
            timeString = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", secondsLeft / 60, secondsLeft % 60);

If i understand you correctly (i'm just starting learning C#), the normal way to do it in Java is to use the observer pattern (listener pattern):

You create a listener interface with a method to be called when your event happens. That method can take some event-arguments and a sender as parameter, if you like. For example:

public interface MyListener { // This is probably your MyEvent
    void myEventFired(Object sender, MyEventArgs eventArgs);

public class MyEventArgs {

A class which is to respond to your kind of event, needs to implement the above interface. (see an example a little below (MyListeningClass))

Ok, so then you need a class (or more classes) which fires your event: MyClass. Usually MyClass has some way for other classes, who wants to respond to MyClass' event, to register themselves with MyClass. (Or more precisely, register themselves with a specific object of MyClass). This allows the MyClass-object to know which other objects it should inform about when the event happens.

This is usually done by creating a method called "add[ListenerName]" in the class firing the event - in this case "addMyListener" in MyClass. To make this example simpler, let's just assume there can only ever be one listener, so we will call it "setMyListener" instead:

public class MyClass {

    private MyListener listener = null;

    // This is a method which sometimes fires an event, by calling the fireEvent() method below
    public void doSomething() {
        if (something) {
            // Let's say the event happens if "something" is true. 
            // So now we "fire the event". What "firing the event" means, 
            // is just to call the "myEventFired" method in the listener.


    // this is called from the method above to fire the event - i.e. to tell the listener that the event has happened
    protected void fireEvent() {
        if (listener != null) {
            Object sender = this; 
            MyEventArgs eventArgs = new MyEventArgs(...something...);
            listener.myEventFired(sender, eventArgs);

    // This method is called by the listener, to register itself as listener on this object.
    // MyClass remembers the listener in the "listener" instance variable, so that 
    // when the event happens at some later point in time, it knows which object it  
    // has to tell it to.
    public void setMyListener(MyListener listener) {
        this.listener = listener;

(To support more than one listener, just have a list of listeners List<MyListener> listeners instead of the MyListener listener instance variable, and create an addListener and removeListener method instead of the setListener method. In the Android API they usually only allow one listener, so i thought i would show that version)

So now we just need the class which wants to listen for the event. I.e. the class implementing the MyListener interface. (This class is thus a listener). A simple example:

public class MyListeningClass implements MyListener {

    public MyListeningClass() {
        MyClass myClass = ...get the MyClass object from somewhere...;

    // this is called by MyClass when the event occurs
    public void myEventFired(Object sender, MyEventArgs eventArgs) {
        System.out.println("EVENT HAPPENED!");
        System.out.println("Sender is: "+sender);
        System.out.println("MyEventArgs are: "+eventArgs);

(Of course you don't actually have to create the interface if you don't want to. You could of course just hardcode the MyListeningClass in MyClass instead, but it's better style to use interfaces, to decouple MyClass and MyListeningClass from each other. And it'll also be more extendable later, to allow other classes than MyListeningClass to listen for the events too.)

There are many examples of this in the Java API. For example SWING makes heavy use of listeners - for example for button-clicks, as you mention. And of course the Android API too.

I'll see if i can find some examples of this later, but it's very late and i'm very tired, so maybe tomorrow :D (and fix any spelling mistakes :D). Hope it helped a bit.

To Recap:

  • MyClass (the class producing the events) needs some way to tell other classes about that the event has happened, when the event happens. It does that by calling a method in these classes when the event happens.

  • For MyClass to be able to call a method in these other classes, they have to implement some interface.

  • The classes which want to be told when the event happens, needs a way to tell MyClass that they want to be told about it. This is the reason we need the MyClass.setMyListener method. (or if we had allowed more than one listener: the MyClass.addMyListener method)

(So there is nothing magical about this. It's just simple method calling.)

(Note that, a listener interface is usually named "[name of the event]Listener". So instead of "MyListener" i should have called it "MyEventListener", according to the naming convention, if we say that the event is called "MyEvent". But for this post i think it looked too long and less simple. UPDATE: Now that i think about it, you actually usually omit "Event" from the name, so "MyListener" is right. For example if you have an event you call "OnClickEvent", you call the interface "OnClickListener".)