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更新时间:2023-11-04 23:22:34

使用此免费的,开源的C ++ 11/14库,这里是另一种处理解析小数秒的方法:

Using this free, open source C++11/14 library, here is another way to deal with parsing fractional seconds:

#include "tz.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

int main()
    using namespace date;
    using namespace std::chrono;
    std::istringstream str("20:48:01.469 UTC MAR 31 2016");
    sys_time<milliseconds> tp;
    parse(str, "%T %Z %b %d %Y", tp);
    std::cout << tp << '\n';


2016-03-31 20:48:01.469

,使用此工具%S %T 只是工作。精度不是用标志控制的,而是用 std :: chrono :: time_point 的精度控制的。

I.e., with this tool %S and %T just work. The precision is controlled not with flags, but with the precision of the std::chrono::time_point.


If you want to find out what timezone abbreviation you parsed, that is also possible:

std::istringstream str("20:48:01.469 UTC MAR 31 2016");
sys_time<milliseconds> tp;
std::string abbrev;
parse(str, "%T %Z %b %d %Y", tp, abbrev);
std::cout << tp << ' ' << abbrev << '\n';


2016-03-31 20:48:01.469 UTC

库建立在 std :: get_time 之上,因此具有与Jonathan的优秀(和upvoted)答案所提到的相同的可移植性问题:只有libc ++当前解析一个案例中的月份名称敏感方式。希望这会在不太遥远的未来发生变化。

This being said, this library is built on top of std::get_time and thus has the same portability problem that Jonathan's excellent (and upvoted) answer alludes to: Only libc++ currently parses month names in a case-insensitive manner. Hopefully that will change in the not-too-distant future.

libstdc ++错误报告


VSO#232129 bug report.


If you have to deal with timezones other than UTC, in general, there is no sure-fire method to do that, because at any one time, more than one timezone can be using the same abbreviation. So the UTC offset can be ambiguous. However here is a short article on how to use this library to narrow down an abbreviation to a list of candidate timezones from which you might have some ad hoc logic for choosing a unique timezone.