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C# - 使用属性名称作为字符串按属性排序的代码

更新时间:2023-11-05 11:21:40


I would offer this alternative to what everyone else has posted.

System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop = typeof(YourType).GetProperty("PropertyName");

query = query.OrderBy(x => prop.GetValue(x, null));

这避免了重复调用反射 API 来获取属性.现在唯一的重复调用就是获取值.

This avoids repeated calls to the reflection API for obtaining the property. Now the only repeated call is obtaining the value.


我提倡使用 PropertyDescriptor 代替,因为这将允许将自定义 TypeDescriptor 分配给您的类型,从而可以进行轻量级操作来检索属性和价值观.在没有自定义描述符的情况下,它无论如何都会回退到反射.

I would advocate using a PropertyDescriptor instead, as this will allow for custom TypeDescriptors to be assigned to your type, making it possible to have lightweight operations for retrieving properties and values. In the absence of a custom descriptor it will fall back to reflection anyhow.

PropertyDescriptor prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(YourType)).Find("PropertyName");

query = query.OrderBy(x => prop.GetValue(x));

至于加快速度,请查看 Marc Gravel 的 HyperDescriptor CodeProject 上的项目.我已经成功地使用了它;它是对业务对象进行高性能数据绑定和动态属性操作的救星.

As for speeding it up, check out Marc Gravel's HyperDescriptor project on CodeProject. I've used this with great success; it's a life saver for high-performance data binding and dynamic property operations on business objects.