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更新时间:2023-11-05 22:20:10

对于Xbase - 和dBASE III到5,请参见此处的表:Xbase数据文件(* .dbf) [ ^ ]

如果您没有安装Dbase,并且想要检查文件可以使用通用编辑器,如数据库.NET - 直观的多数据库管理器 [ ^ ] ckquote>

注意.dbf只是一个表,它不是关系型的。 />
.dbf - Wikipedia [ ^ ]


I have a requirement to import dbase database in sql server.I have a folder which contains many .dbf file.First how i will identify which is actual file(containing file structure and data) in folder.

What I have tried:

I am new to dbase,Plz help me out.
Thanks in advance.

For Xbase - and dBASE III to 5, see table here: Xbase Data file (*.dbf)[^]
If you don't have Dbase installed, and want to inspect the files you can use a universal editor like Database .NET - An Intuitive Multiple Database Manager[^]

Any .dbf file is a database file and contain its structure and related data.
Note that a .dbf is only a table, it is not relational.
.dbf - Wikipedia[^]
I used to open them with Excel and Access