
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-05 23:11:58

我同意黑暗绝对主义者Niet所说的该工具是基于观点的.反思它强加的所有规则,以及它们在您的特定项目中是否真正有意义.它也不是唯一的JavaScript皮棉"工具.也许 ESLint 或其他这样的工具更适合您的需求.

I agree with Niet the Dark Absol that the tool is opinion-based. Reflect on all the rules it imposes and whether they actually make sense in your specific project or not. It's also not the only "lint" tool for JavaScript. Maybe ESLint or another such tool is more suited to your needs.


But I also disagree with him: It is not good practice to declare all your variables at the start of your function, especially not if the function is rather long, since this makes comprehension of your program much harder. IMHO this holds regardless of how the scoping of JavaScript works: It's not about program semantics, it's about code readability!


I would argue that a variable should be declared as close to its first use as possible (i.e. in your case: in the for loop). This ensures that someone reading your code (a colleague or yourself three months from now) has too keep as little information in their head as possible. Declaring all your variables at the start forces the reader to keep all those variables in mind throughout the entire function. Questions like "what's the current value of this variable?" or "what is its purpose?" become harder to answer.


Furthermore, you are much more tempted to reuse a variable for more than one purpose. This is not only confusing, but also dangerous! Values might "leak" from the first use to the second. This can lead to subtle, hard-to-debug problems.