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将Java POJO转换为Drools DRL,反之亦然

更新时间:2023-11-05 23:33:22

我不确定您的Java POJO是什么?它们代表规则,模式,约束等吗?

I am not sure what are your Java POJOs? Are they representing Rules, Patterns, Constraints, etc?


If so, Drools has an internal canonical model for representing all types of knowledge assets [1]. We do not recommend using it directly though, as it is an internal API and subject to change.

您的另一种选择是使用实际的规则描述符构建器API [2 ]动态生成规则[3]。

Another option for you is to use the actual rule descriptor builder API [2] to generate your rules dynamically [3].


Finally, if you have a web based UI and you want to allow users to author your rules in there, you have the option to embed guvnor's rule editor into your own application [4].


[1] https://github.com/droolsjbpm/drools/tree/ master / drools-compiler / src / main / java / org / drools / lang / descr

[2] https://github.com/droolsjbpm/drools/tree/ master / drools-compiler / src / main / java / org / drools / lang / api

[3] https://github.com/droolsjbpm/ drools / blob / master / drools-compiler / src / test / java / org / drools / lang / api / D escrBuilderTest.java

[4] http://www.plugtree.com/guvnor-embed-asset%E2%80%99s-editor-in-your-application/