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在 PostgreSQL 中将任意多行转换为列

更新时间:2023-11-07 18:52:34

The main problem with pivot tables in Postgres (and other RDBMS) is that the structure (number and names of columns) of a query result cannot vary depending on the selected data. One of the possible solutions is to dynamically create a view, which structure is defined by the data. The example function creates a view based on the table example_table:

create or replace function create_pivot_view()
returns void language plpgsql as $$
    list text;
    select string_agg(format('jdata->>%1$L "%1$s"', name), ', ')
    from (
        select distinct name
        from example_table
        ) sub
    into list;

    execute format($f$
        drop view if exists example_pivot_view;
        create view example_pivot_view as
        select lbl, %s
        from (
            select lbl, json_object_agg(name, value) jdata
            from example_table
            group by 1
            order by 1
            ) sub
        $f$, list);
end $$;

Use the function after the table is modified (maybe in a trigger) and query the created view:

select create_pivot_view();

select *
from example_pivot_view;

 lbl | num | colour | percentage 
   1 | 1   | Red    | 25.0
   2 | 2   | Green  | 50.0
   3 | 3   | Blue   | 75.0
(3 rows)

Test it in db<>fiddle.

Note, that it's necessary to recreate a view (call the function) only after a new name is added to the table (or some name is removed from it). If the set of distinct names doesn't change you can query the view without recreating it. If the set is modified frequently creating a temporary view would be a better option.

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