
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-08 13:58:16

要回答我自己的问题,如果所有需要的是精确的音频回放同步,而无需使用音频单元"处理进行自定义处理,那么一定要看一下AVFoundation的 AVPlayer AVAsset

To answer my own question, if all one needs is precise playback-synchronisation of audio, without the custom processing possible using Audio Unit processing, then definitely look at AVFoundation's AVPlayer, AVAsset and AVComposition classes.


Whilst this method looks more suited to video playback, it works perfectly well using only audio assets. These classes handle all the loading and buffering of media assets (including CAF, AAC and MP3), using a tiny amount of memory in doing so, and can be tightly synchronised using the AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey. Also, it has useful callback methods that can be set to invoke at specific times during playback (for updating the UI, amongst other things). Finally, as it became available on Mac (10.7+) it is a good solution for universal Cocoa development.