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Java win32库/ api

更新时间:2023-11-09 13:58:10

看看 JNA 。这是一种100%纯java方式与本机代码进行通信。

Have a look at JNA. It's a 100% pure java way to communicate with native code.

他们有一个名为 Platform.jar 包含一些最常见的原生API。

They have a secondary lib named Platform.jar which packages some of the most common native API.


Althought I know what it is, I haven't used platform so I can't point out where you'll find what you're looking for. But from my global JNA experience this should help A LOT !!!


主要的librairy(jna.jar)捆绑了许多本机库(.dll,.so,.dylib)用于主要的os /架构和java端来操作它们(这解释了jar的大小:~1 Mo)。

For those who wonder how it works (it's explained on their homepage) ... well let's say they've handle the native part for you so that you can focus on the java end. The main librairy (jna.jar) bundles many native libs (.dll, .so, .dylib) for the major os / architectures and the java end to manipulate them (which explains the size of the jar : ~ 1 Mo).


when you want to use a multi OS lib name "A.dll", "A.so" or "libA.dylib" which contains the following :

int doSomething(char* aString ,byte* aByteArray, long* arraySize)


Just write the following and JNA will do the rest :

public class LibAWrapper{
  //tell JNA to link with native library
  //Type mapping in java 
  public native int doSomething(String aString ,byte[] aByteArray, NativeLongByReference arraySize)


new LibAWrapper().doSomething("Hello World",....


Which means that if Platform.jar does not suit your needs it should be easy for you to write a wrapper around the native lib that you want