
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-09 18:26:40

Linear address is generated after before page表映射.物理地址是生成before after页表映射(即分页).

Linear address is generated after before page table mapping. Physical addres is generated before after page table mapping(ie paging).

线性地址,通过添加创建基址的逻辑地址段、CS、DS、ES、SS、FS 或 GS​​.

Linear Adress,created by adding logical address to the base of segment, CS,DS,ES,SS,FSor GS.


When Paging is enabled, the page tables are used to translate linear address to physical address.


On the Other Hand, Physical Address is nothing but, the address value that appears on pins of processor during a memory read/memory write operations.

InShort,我们可以说如果分页是禁用线性地址 = 物理地址

InShort, we can say if paging is disabled linear address = physical address