
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-09 18:30:34


glVertexAttribPointer has two flaws, one of them semi-subjective, the other objective.


The first flaw is its dependency on GL_ARRAY_BUFFER. This means that the behavior of glVertexAttribPointer is contingent on whatever was bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER at the time it was called. But once it is called, what is bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER no longer matters; the buffer object's reference is copied into the VAO. All this is very unintuitive and confusing, even to some semi-experienced users.


It also requires you to provide an offset into the buffer object as a "pointer", rather than as an integer byte offset. This means that you perform an awkward cast from an integer to a pointer (which must be matched by an equally awkward cast in the driver).


The second flaw is that it conflates two operations that, logically, are quite separate. In order to define a vertex array that OpenGL can read, you must provide two things:

  • 如何从内存中获取数据.
  • 数据看起来像什么.

glVertexAttribPointer同时提供这两种功能. GL_ARRAY_BUFFER缓冲区对象,加上偏移量指针"和跨距定义了数据的存储位置以及如何获取数据.其他参数描述单个数据单元的外观.让我们称之为数组的顶点格式.

glVertexAttribPointer provides both of these simultaneously. The GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buffer object, plus the offset "pointer" and stride define where the data is stored and how to fetch it. The other parameters describes what a single unit of data looks like. Let us call this the vertex format of the array.


As a practical matter, users are far more likely to change where vertex data comes from than vertex formats. After all, many objects in the scene store their vertices in the same way. Whatever that way may be: 3 floats for position, 4 unsigned bytes for colors, 2 unsigned shorts for tex-coords, etc. Generally speaking, you have only a few vertex formats.

您在更多的位置提取数据.即使对象全部来自同一个缓冲区,您也可能希望更新该缓冲区内的偏移量 ,以从一个对象切换到另一个对象.

Whereas you have far more locations where you pull data from. Even if the objects all come from the same buffer, you will likely want to update the offset within that buffer to switch from object to object.


With glVertexAttribPointer, you can't update just the offset. You have to specify the whole format+buffer information all at once. Every time.


VAOs mitigate having to make all those calls per object, but it turns out that they don't really solve the problem. Oh sure, you don't have to actually call glVertexAttribPointer. But that doesn't change the fact that changing vertex formats is expensive.


As discussed here, changing vertex formats is pretty expensive. When you bind a new VAO (or rather, when you render after binding a new VAO), the implementation either changes the vertex format regardless or has to compare the two VAOs to see if the vertex formats they define are different. Either way, it's doing work that it doesn't need to be doing.

glVertexAttribFormatglBindVertexBuffer修复了这两个问题. glBindVertexBuffer直接指定缓冲区对象,并将字节偏移量作为实际(64位)整数.因此,没有笨拙地使用GL_ARRAY_BUFFER绑定;该绑定仅用于操作缓冲区对象.

glVertexAttribFormat and glBindVertexBuffer fix both of these problems. glBindVertexBuffer directly specifies the buffer object and takes the byte offset as an actual (64-bit) integer. So there's no awkward use of the GL_ARRAY_BUFFER binding; that binding is solely used for manipulating the buffer object.


And because the two separate concepts are now separate functions, you can have a VAO that stores a format, bind it, then bind vertex buffers for each object or group of objects that you render with. Changing vertex buffer binding state is cheaper than vertex format state.

请注意,这种分离在GL 4.5的直接状态访问API 中已正式化.也就是说,没有glVertexAttribPointer的DSA版本.您必须使用glVertexArrayAttribFormat和其他单独的格式API.

Note that this separation is formalized in GL 4.5's direct state access APIs. That is, there is no DSA version of glVertexAttribPointer; you must use glVertexArrayAttribFormat and the other separate format APIs.

单独的属性绑定功能按以下方式工作. glVertexAttrib*Format函数提供属性的所有顶点格式设置参数.它的每个参数与对glVertexAttrib*Pointer的等效调用中的参数具有完全相同的含义.

The separate attribute binding functions work like this. glVertexAttrib*Format functions provides all of the vertex formatting parameters for an attribute. Each of its parameters have the exact same meaning as the parameters from the equivalent call to glVertexAttrib*Pointer.



Its first parameter is an index. But this is not an attribute location; it is merely a buffer binding point. This is a separate array from attribute locations with its own maximum limit. So the fact that you bind a buffer to index 0 means nothing about where attribute location 0 gets its data from.

缓冲区绑定和属性位置之间的连接由glVertexAttribBinding定义.第一个参数是属性位置,第二个参数是用于获取该属性位置的缓冲区绑定索引.由于该函数的名称以"VertexAttrib"开头,因此您应将其视为 vertex format 状态的一部分,因此更改成本很高.

The connection between buffer bindings and attribute locations is defined by glVertexAttribBinding. The first parameter is the attribute location, and the second is the buffer binding index to fetch that attribute's location with. Since the function's name starts with "VertexAttrib", you should consider this to be part of the vertex format state and thus is expensive to change.

起初,偏移量的性质可能也会有些混乱. glVertexAttribFormat具有偏移参数.但是glBindVertexBuffer也是如此.但是这些偏移量意味着不同的事情.理解差异的最简单方法是使用交错数据结构的示例:

The nature of offsets may be a bit confusing at first as well. glVertexAttribFormat has an offset parameter. But so too does glBindVertexBuffer. But these offsets mean different things. The easiest way to understand the difference is by using an example of an interleaved data structure:

struct Vertex
    GLfloat pos[3];
    GLubyte color[4];
    GLushort texCoord[2];


The vertex buffer binding offset specifies the byte offset from the start of the buffer object to the first vertex index. That is, when you render index 0, the GPU will fetch memory from the buffer object's address + the binding offset.

顶点 format 偏移量指定从每个 vertex 的起始处到该特定属性数据的偏移量.如果缓冲区中的数据由Vertex定义,则每个属性的偏移量将为:

The vertex format offset specifies the offset from the start of each vertex to that particular attribute's data. If the data in the buffer is defined by Vertex, then the offset for each attribute would be:

glVertexAttribFormat(0, ..., offsetof(Vertex, pos)); //AKA: 0
glVertexAttribFormat(1, ..., offsetof(Vertex, color)); //Probably 12
glVertexAttribFormat(2, ..., offsetof(Vertex, texCoord)); //Probably 16

因此,绑定偏移量定义了内存中顶点0的位置,而格式偏移量则定义了每个属性的数据来​​自顶点内 的位置.

So the binding offset defined where vertex 0 is in memory, while the format offsets define where the each attribute's data comes from within a vertex.

最后要了解的是,缓冲区绑定是定义 stride 的位置.这看似奇怪,但请从硬件角度考虑.

The last thing to understand is that the buffer binding is where the stride is defined. This may seem odd, but think about it from the hardware perspective.


The buffer binding should contain all of the information needed by the hardware to turn a vertex index or instance index into a memory location. Once that's done, the vertex format explains how to interpret the bytes in that memory location.


This is also why the instance divisor is part of the buffer binding state, via glVertexBindingDivisor. The hardware needs to know the divisor in order to convert an instance index into a memory address.


Of course, this also means that you can no longer rely on OpenGL to compute the stride for you. In the above cast, you simply use sizeof(Vertex).


Separate attribute formats completely covers the old glVertexAttribPointer model so well that the old function is now defined entirely in terms of the new:

void glVertexAttrib*Pointer(GLuint index​, GLint size​, GLenum type​, {GLboolean normalized​,} GLsizei stride​, const GLvoid * pointer​)
  glVertexAttrib*Format(index, size, type, {normalized,} 0);
  glVertexAttribBinding(index, index);

  GLuint buffer;
  glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, buffer);
  if(buffer == 0)
    glErrorOut(GL_INVALID_OPERATION); //Give an error.

  if(stride == 0)
    stride = CalcStride(size, type);

  GLintptr offset = reinterpret_cast<GLintptr>(pointer);
  glBindVertexBuffer(index, buffer, offset, stride);


Note that this equivalent function uses the same index value for the attribute location and the buffer binding index. If you're doing interleaved attributes, you should avoid this where possible; instead, use a single buffer binding for all attributes that are interleaved from the same buffer.