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C++ 字符数组向量

更新时间:2023-11-10 08:00:22


You cannot store arrays in vectors (or in any other standard library container). The things that standard library containers store must be copyable and assignable, and arrays are neither of these.

如果您确实需要将数组放入向量中(而您可能不需要 - 使用向量向量或字符串向量更有可能是您需要的),那么您可以将数组包装在一个结构中:

If you really need to put an array in a vector (and you probably don't - using a vector of vectors or a vector of strings is more likely what you need), then you can wrap the array in a struct:

struct S {
  char a[10];


and then create a vector of structs:

vector <S> v;
S s;
s.a[0] = 'x';
v.push_back( s );