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在unordered_set中使用string *作为键

更新时间:2023-11-10 08:40:16

这基本上是。然后将其作为第三个模板参数提供给 unordered_map 类型(我假设它是C ++ 0x)。我将其概括为它可以在任何情况下使用,而不是只是 string

That's basically it. You then provide it as the third template parameter to the unordered_map type (Which I will assume to be the C++0x one). I would generalize it so it's usable in any situation, rather than just string:

struct dereference_hash
    template <typename T>
    std::size_t operator()(const T* pX)
        return std::hash<T>()(*pX);

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string*, int, dereference_hash> map_type;