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等待图像完全加载Selenium WebDriver

更新时间:2023-11-10 12:22:10

您可以执行一些JavaScript来查询DOM.具体来说,是 HTMLImageElement complete属性.. >

You could execute some javascript to interrogate the DOM. Specifically, the complete property of an HTMLImageElement.

public static void waitUntilVisible(WebDriver webDriver, By locator) {
    WebDriverWait driverWait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, TIMEOUT);
    WebElement el = webDriver.findElement(locator);
        new Predicate<WebDriver>() {
            public boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
                return ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("return arguments[0].complete", el);


如果浏览器已完成获取操作,则返回一个布尔值,该布尔值为true 图像,无论是否成功.如果图像还显示为真 没有src值.

Returns a Boolean that is true if the browser has finished fetching the image, whether successful or not. It also shows true, if the image has no src value.