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如何拦截LLVM lli工具输入?

更新时间:2023-11-10 17:58:22

lli已经是llvm库函数的精简包装,只需使用它们即可. tools/lli/lli.cpp中的main()函数之所以长,是因为它支持大量标志来控制每个可能的设置.将其剥离后,使用以下命令创建 ExecutionEngine 应该少于10行. EngineBuilder并使用它运行llvm::Function.

lli is already a thin wrapper around llvm library functions, just use those instead. The main() function in tools/lli/lli.cpp is long only because it supports tons of flags to control every possible setting. After you strip it down it should be less than 10 lines to create an ExecutionEngine using an EngineBuilder and use it to run a llvm::Function.


You might also find chapter 4 of the Kaleidoscope tutorial helpful, where they add JIT support to the language. This also demonstrates how to use an EngineBuilder, though the ExecutionEngine they choose to build is a JIT instead of an Interpreter, you can customize it for your use case.

现在,对于问题的另一部分,如何捕获stdinstdout? LLVM不是VM,代码正在您的进程中运行,并使用stdin和stdout.我的第一个建议是,由于您已经具有LLVM IR格式的功能,因此只需运行一个转换过程即可用您自己的I/O功能替换标准I/O功能.如果可以使ABI排队,一种更简单的方法是使用ExecutionEngine重新映射.调用EE->updateGlobalMapping(functionDeclInIR, &replacementFunctionInNativeCode)告诉ExecutionEngine,对于functionDeclInIR的Function*在本机代码中由replaceFunctionInNativeCode表示.您需要提供自己的使用GUI的_ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc的实现(又称ostream :: operator<<).

Now for the other part of your question, how do you trap stdin and stdout? LLVM is not a VM, the code is running in your process and using your stdin and stdout. My first suggestion is that since you already have the function in LLVM IR format, just run a transformation pass that replaces standard I/O functions with your own I/O functions. A simpler way to do that if you can get the ABI to line up, is to do the remapping with the ExecutionEngine. Call EE->updateGlobalMapping(functionDeclInIR, &replacementFunctionInNativeCode) to tell the ExecutionEngine that the Function* for functionDeclInIR is represented in native code by replacementFunctionInNativeCode. You would need to provide your own implementation of _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc (aka. ostream::operator<<) which uses your GUI.