
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-10 20:09:52


For me, I have always assessed the users who would be using it. I think in the end, it is impractical to support every single browser and its version under the sun.

作为基准,我始终确保应用程序在 IE8 和最新版本的 Firefox 中运行良好.IE8 相当不错,所以通常不需要做太多的工作来让它工作.由于大多数版本的 Firefox 和 Chrome 都倾向于自动更新,因此我只在 Firefox Latest、Firefox 3.Latest 和最新版本的 chrome 中进行测试.

As a baseline, I always ensure that the application works fine in IE8 and the latest version of Firefox. IE8 is pretty decent, so there usually isn't much work required to get it working. As most versions of Firefox and Chrome tend to get auto updated, I just test in Firefox Latest, Firefox 3.Latest and the latest version of chrome.

例如,如果我正在设计一个供技术主管使用的应用程序,我不会真正关心 IE7 及以下版本,或者旧版本的 Firefox 和 Chrome.

For example, if I am designing an application to be used by tech-heads, I wouldn't really care much about IE7 and below, or old versions of Firefox and Chrome.

但是,如果我正在设计将在内部使用的东西并且有某些浏览器要求,那么我将确保该应用程序在这些浏览器中完美运行(即可怕的 IE6 和 IE7).

However, if I am designing something that will be used internally and there are certain browser requirements, then I will make sure that the app works perfectly in those browsers (i.e. the dreaded IE6 and IE7).

因为 IE8 是最终的"Windows XP 上的版本,我认为确保至少在 IE8 中正常运行会非常有益.

As IE8 is the "final" version on Windows XP, I think it would be quite beneficial to ensure that things work decently in IE8 at least.

另外,由于 Facebook 和 GMail 已经放弃了对 IE7 及更低版本以及其他浏览器的旧版本的支持,我认为可以肯定地说我们也可以忽略这些版本.

Also, since Facebook and GMail has dropped support for IE7 and below and older versions of other browsers, I think it's safe to say that we can ignore those versions too.

至于 javascript,我认为在没有 javascript 的情况下构建完全相同的东西是不切实际的.我认为优雅降级是个好主意,这样用户可能无法使用某些东西,但他们仍然可以在一定程度上使用该应用.

As for javascript, I think it is impractical to build something that works exactly the same without javascript. I think it is a good idea to gracefully degrade, so that certain things might not be avaliable for the user, but they can still use the app to a certain extent.

但是,在某些情况下,如果没有 javascript,整个应用程序将无法运行(或者非 javascript 体验几乎毫无用处),那么告诉用户启用 javascript 可能是个好主意.这是在 Facebook 和 Google Docs 等应用程序中实现的.请参阅这篇优秀博文进行一些辩论.

However, in certain cases, the whole app would not be able to work without javascript (or a non-javascript experience would be next to useless), then telling the user to enable javascript is probably a good idea. This is implemented in apps like Facebook and Google Docs. See this excellent blog post for some debate.


  • 为现代浏览器"、IE8+、FF3.latest 和最新的 FF、最新的 Chrome 和 Opera 开发.
  • 如果存在开发/客户端需求,支持其他浏览器.
  • 看看大公司(facebook 和 gmail)在浏览器支持方面的表现.如果他们有能力放弃对浏览器 x 的支持,而我们正在开发一款面向普通消费者的应用,那么我们也有能力放弃对浏览器 x 的支持.