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可C#编译器编译一个VB.Net code?

更新时间:2023-11-10 20:40:28


They have separate compilers (csc.exe for C# and vbc.exe for VB.Net) but they both get compiled into IL and then at run-time JIT compiles it into machine code.

问题1:可以C#编译器编译VB.net code?

Question 1 : can C# compiler compile VB.net code?


Answer 1: No it can't and you will see that in the below example. It gives an error if you try to do that as it looks for C# syntax.


Question 2: I think that's what they say in the book. Since it is two compilers, I feel it is not compatible

答2:这并不是说,你可以使用C#编写VB code,但它说,你可以像我一样,在下面的例子中,仍然能够编译C#和VB混合语言在一个单一的应用程序(用他们的编译器)。

Answer 2: It doesn't say that you can compile VB code using C# but it says that you can mix languages in a single application like I did in the example below and still able to compile C# and VB (using their compilers).


See below example to understand how it works. I created a solution with a C# project with a C# class and a VB project with a VB class. You should not mix C# and VB classes in same project as it will ignore the vb file if its a C# project during build.

可C#编译器编译一个VB.Net code?


Content of ClassCSharp.cs:

namespace ClassLibraryCSharp
    public abstract class ClassCSharp
        public int MyProperty { get; set; }

        protected abstract void Test();



Content of ClassVBInCSharp.vb in C# ClassLibrary. See how I can inherit from a C# class and also access its properties and override the method.

Namespace ClassLibraryVB
    Public Class ClassVBInCSharp
        Inherits ClassCSharp
        Property Test2 As Integer

        Protected Overrides Sub Test()
            Test2 = MyBase.MyProperty
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


See below commands I ran:

vbc.exe /reference:"ClassLibraryCSharp.dll" /target:library /out:"ClassLibraryCSharpVbVersion.dll" "ClassVBInCSharp.vb"
Microsoft (R) Visual Basic Compiler version 12.0.20806.33440
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


See above VB Compiler is used to compile vb class.

csc.exe /reference:"ClassLibraryCSharp.dll" /target:library /out:"ClassLibraryCSharpVersion.dll" "ClassVBInCSharp.vb"
Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 4.0.30319.33440 for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework 4.5
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

ClassLibrary1\ClassVBInCSharp.vb(1,1): error CS
0116: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods


See above if I try to use C# Compiler to compile vb class it throws an error as its looking for C# syntax.