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std :: pair中的初始化列表

更新时间:2023-11-10 23:08:34

std :: initializer_list 并不意味着要存储,它仅用于...很好的初始化.在内部,它仅存储指向第一个元素和大小的指针.在您的代码中, std :: string 对象是临时对象,而 initializer_list 既不拥有它们的所有权,也不延长其寿命,也不复制它们(因为它不是容器),因此它们在创建后立即超出范围,但是您的 initializer_list 仍然保留指向它们的指针.这就是为什么您会遇到细分错误.

std::initializer_list is not meant to be stored, it is just meant for ... well initialization. Internally it just stores a pointer to the first element and the size. In your code the std::string objects are temporaries and the initializer_list neither takes ownership of them, neither extends their life, neither copies them (because it's not a container) so they go out of scope immediately after creation, but your initializer_list still holds a pointer to them. That is why you get segmentation fault.

要存储,您应该使用一个容器,例如 std :: vector std :: array .

For storing you should use a container, like std::vector or std::array.