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定义一个未知深度/维度的 C++ 模板

更新时间:2023-11-11 16:59:40

当然,C++11 具有模板的可变长度参数列表.即使没有 C++11,您也可以使用专业化,如果您的所有维度都具有相同的类型:

Certainly, C++11 has variable length parameter lists for templates. Even without C++11 you can use specialisation, if all your dimensions have the same type:

template <typename T, unsigned nest>
struct Bin {
  std::vector<Bin<T, (nest-1)> > bins;

template <typename T>
struct Bin<T,0> {
  T content;


You can only specify the dimension at runtime to a certain degree. If it is bound by a fixed value you can select the appropriate type even dynamically. However, consider using a one-dimensional vector instead of a multi-dimensional jagged vector!