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为什么我们不能为C ++中的抽象类创建对象?

更新时间:2023-11-11 18:30:40


Judging by your other question, it seems you don't understand how classes operate. Classes are a collection of functions which operate on data.


Functions themselves contain no memory in a class. The following class:

struct dumb_class
    void foo(){}
    void bar(){}
    void baz(){}
    // .. for all eternity

    int i;

大小为 int 。无论您拥有多少函数,此类都仅占用在 int 上进行操作所需要的空间。当您在此类中调用函数时,编译器将向您传递指向该类中数据存储位置的指针。这是 this 指针。

Has a size of int. No matter how many functions you have ever, this class will only take up the space it takes to operate on an int. When you call a function in this class, the compiler will pass you a pointer to the place where the data in the class is stored; this is the this pointer.


So, the function lie in memory somewhere, loaded once at the beginning of your program, and wait to be called with data to operate on.

虚拟功能不同。 C ++标准没有规定虚拟函数的行为应如何进行,仅规定了该行为应如何。通常,实施使用所谓的虚拟表或简称vtable。 vtable是一个函数指针表,与普通函数一样,只分配一次。

Virtual functions are different. The C++ standard does not mandate how the behavior of the virtual functions should go about, only what that behavior should be. Typically, implementations use what's called a virtual table, or vtable for short. A vtable is a table of function pointers, which like normal functions, only get allocated once.


Take this class, and assume our implementor uses vtables:

struct base { virtual void foo(void); };
struct derived { virtual void foo(void); };


The compiler will need to make two vtables, one for base and one for derived. They will look something like this:

typedef /* some generic function pointer type */ func_ptr;

func_ptr __baseTable[] = {&base::foo}; 
func_ptr __derivedTable[] = {&derived::foo}; 


How does it use this table? When you create an instance of a class above, the compiler slips in a hidden pointer, which will point to the correct vtable. So when you say:

derived d;
base* b = &d;

执行最后一行后,它会转到正确的表( __ derivedTable ),转到正确的索引(本例中为0),然后调用该函数。如您所见,最终将调用 derived :: foo ,这正是应该发生的情况。

Upon executing the last line, it goes to the correct table (__derivedTable in this case), goes to the correct index (0 in this case), and calls that function. As you can see, that will end up calling derived::foo, which is exactly what should happen.

请注意,稍后,这与执行 derived :: foo(b)相同,将 b 作为 this 指针。

Note, for later, this is the same as doing derived::foo(b), passing b as the this pointer.

因此,当存在虚拟方法时,大小的类将增加一个指针(指向vtable的指针。)多重继承会对此稍作更改,但基本上是相同的。您可以在 C ++-FAQ 中获得更多详细信息。

So, when virtual methods are present, the class of the size will increase by one pointer (the pointer to the vtable.) Multiple inheritance changes this a bit, but it's mostly the same. You can get more details at C++-FAQ.


Now, to your question. I have:

struct base { virtual void foo(void) = 0; }; // notice the = 0
struct derived { virtual void foo(void); };

base :: foo 没有实现。这使得 base :: foo 成为纯抽象函数。因此,如果我要像上面这样称呼它:

and base::foo has no implementation. This makes base::foo a pure abstract function. So, if I were to call it, like above:

derived d;
base* b = &d;

我们应该期望什么行为?作为纯虚拟方法, base :: foo 甚至不存在。上面的代码是未定义的行为,可以执行任何操作,从无到崩溃,介于两者之间。 (或者更糟。)

What behavior should we expect? Being a pure virtual method, base::foo doesn't even exist. The above code is undefined behavior, and could do anything from nothing to crashing, with anything in between. (Or worse.)


Think about what a pure abstract function represents. Remember, functions take no data, they only describe how to manipulate data. A pure abstract function says: "I want to call this method and have my data be manipulated. How you do this is up to you."

所以当您说时, 好吧,我们称之为抽象方法,您在回答上面的问题时说:取决于我?不,您要做。它将回复 @#^ @#^。告诉某人说做这个,不根本没有任何意义。

So when you say, "Well, let's call an abstract method", you're replying to the above with: "Up to me? No, you do it." to which it will reply "@#^@#^". It simply doesn't make sense to tell someone who's saying "do this", "no."



"why we cannot create an object for an abstract class?"


Hopefully you see now, abstract classes only define the functionality the concrete class should be able to do. The abstract class itself is only a blue-print; you don't live in blue-prints, you live in houses that implement the blue-prints.