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为什么 iframe 对 yahoo.com 不起作用

更新时间:2023-11-12 09:42:16

你运气不好:yahoo.com 不允许你在 iframe 中嵌入他们的网站.facebook 或其他热门网站也没有.

You're out of luck: yahoo.com doesn't allow you to embed their site in an iframe. Nor does facebook or other popular sites.


您可以通过检查其站点的响应标头来验证这一点;他们指定 X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN 这意味着只有 yahoo.com 可以嵌入 yahoo.com 页面.

You can verify this by checking the response headers from their site; they specify X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN which means only yahoo.com can embed yahoo.com pages.


Some older browsers won't enforce the header but all new ones will. Afaik, there's no simple way around it.


The only solution I can think of is implementing a proxy script, i.e. you embed a script that lives on your server that fetches the remote content for you.

例如.您的 iframe 调用/my-proxy.php?url=http://www.yahoo.com/",该脚本看起来喜欢:

Eg. your iframe calls "/my-proxy.php?url=http://www.yahoo.com/" and that script would look like:


header('X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN'); // don't allow other sites to use my proxy
echo file_get_contents($_GET['url']);


Your mileage may vary...