
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-12 11:56:10


  • 错误C2653:'User':不是类或命名空间名称是关于您的一个用户定义的类型。 Check the line that this error occurs on and see whether you can spot the problem (by the way, it might have been really helpful if you told us which line that error occurs on instead of giving us 4 files and saying that it’s somewhere in there!). If not, then...

  • ...you are probably facing some #include/namespace nightmare.

  • Get rid of using namespace std;. As a temporary solution, you can import what you need by using std::string; etc, but for a sustainable long-term approach, read Herb Sutter’s article at: http://www.gotw.ca/gotw/053.htm

  • Remove all unneccessary #includes from your files. Only ever include what you actually need!

  • Your combination of #pragma once and manual include guards seems weird to me. I don’t think it would cause problems, but I’d stick with one of the two.

  • Remove stadfx.h from your includes and disable precompiled headers in your project options. Rebuild your project. (I’m not saying precompiled headers are bad, but I would take them out until you have fixed your problems.)

I understand that there are already several posts on the net with this question. However, the answers do not help me :( Would anyone be able to help me? I have quite a number of classes but these errors did not apply to all of them. These errors kind of "randomly" appeared and I have no idea where do i start looking at.

Solutions which I have tried but didn't help:

  1. including the precompiled header file stdafx.h
  2. #include pragma once
  3. did all the ifndef as well as define

Furthermore, I also get weird errors like:

Error   507 error C2275: '_iobuf' : illegal use of this type as an expression 

as well as many other syntax errors.

I have like 10 .h and .cpp files so i only copied paste 2 pairs of them which have the errors mentioned above. Could anyone help me with this please? Thank you!

//storage.h file

    #pragma once
    #ifndef STORAGE_H
    #define STORAGE_H

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include "settings.h"
    #include "Catalogue.h"
    #include "paymentModeList.h"
    #include "user.h"

    using namespace std;

    class Storage
        //for userInformation.txt
        static const string KEYWORD_USERNAME;
        static const string KEYWORD_PASSWORD;
        //for settingsInfo.txt
        static const string KEYWORD_ACCTALERT;
        static const string KEYWORD_PAYMENTALERT;
        static const string KEYWORD_ITEMALERT;

        //for catalogueInfo.txt
        static const string KEYWORD_TITLENAME;
        static const string KEYWORD_CATLINES;
        static const string KEYWORD_ITEMNAME;
        static const string KEYWORD_PRICE;
        static const string KEYWORD_PAYMENTMODE;
        static const string KEYWORD_PAYMENTACCOUNT;
        static const string KEYWORD_CATEGORY;
        static const string KEYWORD_DATE;
        static const string KEYWORD_REMARKS;
        static const string KEYWORD_ONNOTIFICATIONS;
        static const string KEYWORD_PAIDSTATUS;
        static const string KEYWORD_DAYSBEFORE;

        //for paymentModeInfo.txt 

        //for accountInfo.txt

        Storage(); // empty constructor

        //reading from files
        vector<User*> getVectorUser();

        vector<Catalogue*> getCatalogueList(int);
        vector<Item*> getNotificationList(int);

        //not done
        vector<PaymentMode*> getPaymentModeList(int);
        Settings* getSettings(int);

        //writing to files
        void writeVectorUser(vector<User*>);
        void writeCatalogueList(vector<Catalogue*>, int);
        void writeNotificationList(vector<Item*>, int);
        void writeSettings(Settings*, int);

        //not done
        void writePaymentModeList(vector<PaymentMode*>, int);

        //checking & misc
        string getTaskInfo(string& task, string infoStart, string infoEnd);
        bool checkEmpty(ifstream &readFile);


//user.h file

#pragma once
#ifndef _USER_H
#define _USER_H

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "item.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "accountList.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "paymentModeList.h"
#include "NotificationList.h"
#include "catalogueList.h"

using namespace std;

class User
    string username;
    string password;
    int user_index;

    //implement sorting method under private

    User(string, string, int);
    string GetUsername();
    string GetPassword();
    void makeSettings(string, string);
    Settings* makeSettings(string, string, bool, bool, bool);
    void enterSettings(Settings*, PaymentModeList*, AccountList*);
    void enterUser();
    void addExpenses(CatalogueList*, NotificationList*, PaymentModeList*, AccountList*);
    void deleteEdit(CatalogueList*, NotificationList*);
    void deleteCategory(string, CatalogueList*, NotificationList*);
    void retrieve(CatalogueList*, NotificationList*, PaymentModeList*, AccountList*);
    void viewSummary(Settings*, PaymentModeList*, AccountList*);




#include "user.h"

using namespace std;

User :: User(string givenUser, string givenPassword, int index)
    username = givenUser;
    password = givenPassword;
    user_index = index;

string User :: GetUsername()
    return username;

string User :: GetPassword()
    return password;

Settings* User :: makeSettings(string user, string pass, bool paymentAlert, bool accountAlert, bool itemAlert)
    Settings* mySettings = new Settings(user, pass, paymentAlert, accountAlert, itemAlert);

    return mySettings;

void User :: enterUser()
    //Once enter, user need to construct all the list and store data gotten from database to their respective location
    CatalogueList* myCatalogueList = new CatalogueList();

    NotificationList* myNotificationList = new NotificationList();

    Settings* mySettings = new Settings(username, password, true, true, true); //NEED TO REVISE

    PaymentModeList* myPayModeList = new PaymentModeList();

    AccountList* myAcctList = new AccountList();

    //user selects settings button
    enterSettings(mySettings, myPayModeList, myAcctList);

    //user select add button
    addExpenses(myCatalogueList, myNotificationList, myPayModeList, myAcctList);

    //user select summary
    viewSummary(mySettings,myPayModeList, myAcctList);

    //user select retrieve

    //user select delete/edit

    //user select viewReport

    //user gets notification

    //user gets alert

    //user chooses undo

void User :: addExpenses(CatalogueList* myCL, NotificationList* myNL, PaymentModeList* myPL, AccountList* myAL)
    string itemName;
    double price;
    string paymentMode;
    string account;
    string category;
    int date;
    string remarks;
    bool onNotification;
    bool paidStatus;
    int daysBefore;

    //assume user pass in correct details
    cin >> itemName >> price >> paymentMode >> account >> category >> date >> remarks >> onNotification >> paidStatus >> daysBefore;

    Item* itemToAdd = new Item(itemName, price, paymentMode, account, category, date, remarks, onNotification, paidStatus, daysBefore);

    //add to respective catalogue

    //Create Account or PaymentMode if they are not existing
    //update paymentModeList and accountList
    Account* toAddAcct = new Account(account);
    PaymentMode* toAddPayMode = new PaymentMode(paymentMode);

    int indexAcct = (*myAL).findAcct(toAddAcct);
    if(indexAcct == -1)
    vector<Account*> tempVA = (*myAL).getVectorAcctList();

    //Create Account or PaymentMode if they are not existing
    //update paymentModeList and accountList
    int indexPM = (*myPL).findPaymentMode(toAddPayMode);
    if( indexPM == -1 )
    vector<PaymentMode*> tempVPM = (*myPL).getVectorPayModeList();

    //update balance at respective account
    //find respective account

    //update balance at respective paymetmode
    //find respective paymentMode

    //add to notificationlist if necessary
    if( (onNotification == true) && ( (*myNL).findItem(itemToAdd) == -1) ) //NEED TO REVISE FIND FUNCTION: Remarks


void User:: enterSettings(Settings* mySettings, PaymentModeList* myPL, AccountList* myAL)
    //user selects change username

    //user selects change password

    //user selects to change Account Threshold
    string toFindAcct;
    cin >> toFindAcct;
    Account* tempA = new Account(toFindAcct);

    int indexA = (*myAL).findAcct(tempA);
    double newAcctThreshold;
    cin >> newAcctThreshold;
    vector<Account*> tempVA = (*myAL).getVectorAcctList();

    //user selects to change PaymentMode Threshold
    string toFindPM;
    cin >> toFindPM;
    PaymentMode* tempPM = new PaymentMode(toFindPM);
    int indexP = (*myPL).findPaymentMode(tempPM);
    double newPMThreshold;
    cin >> newPMThreshold;
    vector<PaymentMode*> tempVPM = (*myPL).getVectorPayModeList();

    //user selects change budgetAlert

    //user selects change repeated items notifications


void User :: viewSummary(Settings* mySet, PaymentModeList* myPL, AccountList* myAL)
    //display username
    string userN = (*mySet).getUsername();
    cout << userN << endl;

    //display budget for account/paymentMode?

    //display total expenditure by account
    double sumAcctBal = (*myAL).getSumOfAllAcctBal();
    cout << sumAcctBal;

    //display total expenditure by paymentMode
    double sumPayModeBal = (*myPL).getSumOfAllPayModeBal();
    cout << sumPayModeBal << endl;


void User :: retrieve(CatalogueList* myCL, NotificationList* myNL, PaymentModeList* myPL, AccountList* myAL)
    //user input any of the following itemName, price, paymentMode, account, category, date
    //output the information for user to view
    vector< vector<Item*> > retrieveOutput;

    string itemName;
    string paymentMode;
    string account;
    string category;

    string date; //can be a range
    double price;//can be a range

    //Search by item name
    cin >> itemName;
    retrieveOutput = (*myCL).retrieveItem(itemName);

    //search by paymentMode
    cin >> paymentMode;

    vector<Catalogue*> catList = (*myCL).getVCatList();
    for(int i = 0; i < catList.size(); i++)


    /*void User :: deleteEdit(Expenses* myPriceList, Expenses* myCatalogueList)
    string categoryToDelete;
    cin >> categoryToDelete;

    //user choose to delete by category
    deleteCategory(categoryToDelete, myPriceList, myCatalogueList);

    //*****user can choose to delete single or multiple items******////
    //call for retrieve function
    //user select items
    //search through every list to delete the items

    //*******user can choose to edit single item*******//
    //call for retrieve function
    //user select single item
    //search through every list to edit the particular item*/

    void User :: deleteCategory(string categoryToDelete, Expenses* myPriceList, Expenses* myCatalogueList)
    myCatalogueList -> deleteCat(categoryToDelete);
    myPriceList -> deleteCat(categoryToDelete);



#include "storage.h"

using namespace std;

//for userInformation.txt
const string Storage::KEYWORD_USERNAME = " -username ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_PASSWORD = " -password ";
//for settings.txt
const string Storage::KEYWORD_ACCTALERT = " -acctAlert ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_PAYMENTALERT = " -payModeAlert ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_ITEMALERT = " -itemAlert ";

//for catalogueInfo.txt & notificationList.txt
const string Storage::KEYWORD_TITLENAME = " -titlename ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_CATLINES = " -catlines ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_ITEMNAME = " -itemname ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_PRICE = " -price ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_PAYMENTMODE = " -paymentmode ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_PAYMENTACCOUNT = " -paymentaccount ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_CATEGORY = " -category ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_DATE = " -date ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_REMARKS = " -remarks ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_ONNOTIFICATIONS = " -onNotifications ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_PAIDSTATUS = " -paidstatus ";
const string Storage::KEYWORD_DAYSBEFORE = " -daysbefore ";

Storage :: Storage()

bool Storage :: checkEmpty(ifstream &readFile)
        if(readFile.peek() == std::ifstream::traits_type::eof())
            return true;
            return false;
        return false;


string Storage::getTaskInfo(string& task, string infoStart, string infoEnd)
    int startPos = 0, endPos = 0;
        startPos = task.find(infoStart);
        if(startPos == string::npos)
            return "";
        startPos += infoStart.length();
    endPos = task.rfind(infoEnd);
    if(endPos == string::npos)
        return task.substr(startPos).c_str();
    return task.substr(startPos, endPos-startPos).c_str();

vector<User*> Storage :: getVectorUser()
    vector<User*> userList;

    ifstream readFile("userInformation.txt"); 

    string oneUser;
    string username;
    string password;
    int index =0;

        getline(readFile, oneUser);

        username = getTaskInfo(oneUser, "", KEYWORD_USERNAME);
        password = getTaskInfo(oneUser, "", KEYWORD_PASSWORD);

        User* toAdd = new User(username, password, index);


    return userList;

void Storage :: writeVectorUser(vector<User*> allMyUsers)
    ofstream storeFile;


    for(int i=0; i<allMyUsers.size(); i++)
        string username = allMyUsers[i] -> GetUsername();
        string password = allMyUsers[i] -> GetPassword();

        storeFile << username
            << KEYWORD_USERNAME
            << password
            << KEYWORD_PASSWORD
            << endl;



vector<Item*> Storage :: getNotificationList(int index)
    string finalName = "notificationInfo";
    string indexName;

    ostringstream convert;
    convert << index;

    indexName = convert.str() + ".txt";
    finalName = finalName + indexName;

    char* cstr_fileName = new char[finalName.length() + 1];
    strcpy(cstr_fileName, finalName.c_str());

    ifstream readFile(cstr_fileName);

    string oneItem;
    string itemname;
    string price;
    string paymentMode;
    string paymentAccount;
    string category;
    string date;
    string remarks;
    string onNotifications;
    string paidStatus;
    string daysBefore;

    vector<Item*> notifyList;

        getline(readFile, oneItem);

        itemname = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_ITEMNAME);

        price = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PRICE);
        double price_double = atof(price.c_str());

        paymentMode = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAYMENTMODE);
        paymentAccount = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAYMENTACCOUNT);
        category = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_CATEGORY);

        date = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_DATE);
        int date_int = atoi(date.c_str());

        remarks = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_REMARKS);

        onNotifications = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_ONNOTIFICATIONS);
        bool onNotify_bool;
        if(onNotifications == "true")
            onNotify_bool = true;
            onNotify_bool = false;

        paidStatus = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAIDSTATUS);
        bool paidStatus_bool;
        if(paidStatus == "true")
            paidStatus_bool = true;
            paidStatus_bool = false;

        daysBefore = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_DAYSBEFORE);
        int daysBefore_int = atoi(daysBefore.c_str());

        Item* itemAdd = new Item(itemname, price_double, paymentMode, paymentAccount, category, date_int, remarks, onNotify_bool, paidStatus_bool, daysBefore_int);


    return notifyList;

void Storage :: writeNotificationList(vector<Item*> notifyList, int index)
    string finalName = "notificationInfo";
    string indexName;

    ostringstream convert;
    convert << index;

    indexName = convert.str() + ".txt";
    finalName = finalName + indexName;

    char* cstr_fileName = new char[finalName.length() + 1];
    strcpy(cstr_fileName, finalName.c_str());

    ofstream storeFile;

    for(int j=0; j<notifyList.size(); j++)
        string itemname = notifyList[j] -> getName();

        double price = notifyList[j] -> getPrice();
        int priceInCents = price * 100;
        ostringstream convertPrice;
        convertPrice << priceInCents;
        string price_str = convertPrice.str();

        string paymentmode = notifyList[j] -> getPaymentMode(); 
        string paymentaccount = notifyList[j] -> getPaymentAccount();
        string category = notifyList[j] -> getCat();

        int date = notifyList[j] -> getDate();
        ostringstream convertDate;
        convertDate << date;
        string date_str = convertDate.str();

        string remarks = notifyList[j] -> getRemarks();

        bool onNotification = notifyList[j] -> getNotification();
        string onNotification_str;
        if(onNotification == true)
            onNotification_str = "true";
            onNotification_str = "false";

        bool paidstatus = notifyList[j] -> getPaidStatus();
        string paidStatus_str;
        if(paidstatus == true)
            paidStatus_str = "true";
            paidStatus_str = "false";

        int daysbefore = notifyList[j] -> getDaysBefore();
        ostringstream convertDaysBefore;
        convertDaysBefore << daysbefore;
        string daysbefore_str = convertDaysBefore.str();

        storeFile << itemname 
            << KEYWORD_ITEMNAME
            << price_str
            << KEYWORD_PRICE
            << paymentmode
            << paymentaccount
            << category
            << KEYWORD_CATEGORY
            << date_str
            << KEYWORD_DATE
            << remarks
            << KEYWORD_REMARKS
            << onNotification_str
            << paidStatus_str
            << daysbefore_str
            << endl;



void Storage :: writeSettings(Settings* mySettings, int index)
    string finalName = "settingsInfo";
    string indexName;

    ostringstream convert;
    convert << index;

    indexName = convert.str() + ".txt";
    finalName = finalName + indexName;

    char* cstr_fileName = new char[finalName.length() + 1];
    strcpy(cstr_fileName, finalName.c_str());

    ofstream storeFile;

    string username = mySettings -> getUsername;
    string password = mySettings -> getPassword;

    bool onAcctBudgetAlert = mySettings -> getOnAcctBudgetAlert;
    string onAcctBudgetAlert_str;
    if(onAcctBudgetAlert == true)
        onAcctBudgetAlert_str = "true";
        onAcctBudgetAlert_str = "false";

    bool onPayModeBudgetAlert = mySettings -> getOnPayModeBudgetAlert;
    string onPayModeBudgetAlert_str;
    if(onPayModeBudgetAlert == true)
        onPayModeBudgetAlert_str = "true";
        onPayModeBudgetAlert_str = "false";

    bool onRepeatedItemsNotification = mySettings -> getOnRepeatedItemsNotification;
    string onRepeatedItemsNotification_str;
    if(onRepeatedItemsNotification == true)
        onRepeatedItemsNotification_str = "true";
        onRepeatedItemsNotification_str = "false";

    storeFile << username
        << password
        << onAcctBudgetAlert_str
        << onPayModeBudgetAlert_str
        << onRepeatedItemsNotification_str
        << endl;



vector<Catalogue*> Storage :: getCatalogueList(int index)
    vector<Catalogue*> catList;

    string finalName = "catalogueInfo";
    string indexName;

    ostringstream convert;
    convert << index;

    indexName = convert.str() + ".txt";
    finalName = finalName + indexName;

    char* cstr_fileName = new char[finalName.length() + 1];
    strcpy(cstr_fileName, finalName.c_str());

    ifstream readFile(cstr_fileName);

    string oneCat;
    string titlename;
    string catlines;
    int catlines_int;

    string oneItem;
    string itemname;
    string price;
    string paymentMode;
    string paymentAccount;
    string category;
    string date;
    string remarks;
    string onNotifications;
    string paidStatus;
    string daysBefore;

        getline(readFile, oneCat);
        titlename = getTaskInfo(oneCat, "", KEYWORD_TITLENAME);
        catlines = getTaskInfo(oneCat, "", KEYWORD_CATLINES);

        Catalogue* CatAdd = new Catalogue(titlename);
        catlines_int = atoi(catlines.c_str());

        for(int i=0; i<catlines_int; i++)
            getline(readFile, oneItem);
            itemname = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_ITEMNAME);

            price = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PRICE);
            double price_double = atof(price.c_str());

            paymentMode = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAYMENTMODE);
            paymentAccount = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAYMENTACCOUNT);
            category = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_CATEGORY);

            date = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_DATE);
            int date_int = atoi(date.c_str());

            remarks = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_REMARKS);

            onNotifications = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_ONNOTIFICATIONS);
            bool onNotify_bool;
            if(onNotifications == "true")
                onNotify_bool = true;
                onNotify_bool = false;

            paidStatus = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_PAIDSTATUS);
            bool paidStatus_bool;
            if(paidStatus == "true")
                paidStatus_bool = true;
                paidStatus_bool = false;

            daysBefore = getTaskInfo(oneItem, "", KEYWORD_DAYSBEFORE);
            int daysBefore_int = atoi(daysBefore.c_str());

            Item* itemAdd = new Item(itemname, price_double, paymentMode, paymentAccount, category, date_int, remarks, onNotify_bool, paidStatus_bool, daysBefore_int);
            CatAdd -> pushItem(itemAdd);

    return catList;

void Storage :: writeCatalogueList(vector<Catalogue*> catList, int index)
    string finalName = "catalogueInfo";
    string indexName;

    ostringstream convert;
    convert << index;

    indexName = convert.str() + ".txt";
    finalName = finalName + indexName;

    char* cstr_fileName = new char[finalName.length() + 1];
    strcpy(cstr_fileName, finalName.c_str());

    ofstream storeFile;

    for(int i=0; i<catList.size(); i++)
        vector<Item*> itemCat = catList[i] -> getVCatItems();
        string titleName = catList[i] -> getCatName();

        int catLines = itemCat.size();
        ostringstream convertCatLines;
        convertCatLines << catLines;

        string catLines_str = convertCatLines.str();

        storeFile << titleName
            << KEYWORD_TITLENAME
            << catLines_str
            << KEYWORD_CATLINES
            << endl;

        for(int j=0; j<itemCat.size(); j++)
            string itemname = itemCat[j] -> getName();

            double price = itemCat[j] -> getPrice();
            int priceInCents = price * 100;
            ostringstream convertPrice;
            convertPrice << priceInCents;
            string price_str = convertPrice.str();

            string paymentmode = itemCat[j] -> getPaymentMode(); 
            string paymentaccount = itemCat[j] -> getPaymentAccount();
            string category = itemCat[j] -> getCat();

            int date = itemCat[j] -> getDate();
            ostringstream convertDate;
            convertDate << date;
            string date_str = convertDate.str();

            string remarks = itemCat[j] -> getRemarks();

            bool onNotification = itemCat[j] -> getNotification();
            string onNotification_str;
            if(onNotification == true)
                onNotification_str = "true";
                onNotification_str = "false";

            bool paidstatus = itemCat[j] -> getPaidStatus();
            string paidStatus_str;
            if(paidstatus == true)
                paidStatus_str = "true";
                paidStatus_str = "false";

            int daysbefore = itemCat[j] -> getDaysBefore();
            ostringstream convertDaysBefore;
            convertDaysBefore << daysbefore;
            string daysbefore_str = convertDaysBefore.str();

            storeFile << itemname 
                << KEYWORD_ITEMNAME
                << price_str
                << KEYWORD_PRICE
                << paymentmode
                << KEYWORD_PAYMENTMODE
                << paymentaccount
                << category
                << KEYWORD_CATEGORY
                << date_str
                << KEYWORD_DATE
                << remarks
                << KEYWORD_REMARKS
                << onNotification_str
                << paidStatus_str
                << KEYWORD_PAIDSTATUS
                << daysbefore_str
                << KEYWORD_DAYSBEFORE
                << endl;



Here are some steps that I would take when facing these problems:

  • error C2653: 'User' : is not a class or namespace name is about one of your user-defined types. Check the line that this error occurs on and see whether you can spot the problem (by the way, it might have been really helpful if you told us which line that error occurs on instead of giving us 4 files and saying that it's somewhere in there!). If not, then...
  • ...you are probably facing some #include/namespace nightmare.
  • Get rid of using namespace std;. As a temporary solution, you can import what you need by using std::string; etc, but for a sustainable long-term approach, read Herb Sutter's article at: http://www.gotw.ca/gotw/053.htm
  • Remove all unneccessary #includes from your files. Only ever include what you actually need!
  • Your combination of #pragma once and manual include guards seems weird to me. I don't think it would cause problems, but I'd stick with one of the two.
  • Remove stadfx.h from your includes and disable precompiled headers in your project options. Rebuild your project. (I'm not saying precompiled headers are bad, but I would take them out until you have fixed your problems.)