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如何区分“关闭所有窗口”和“关闭”单个窗口在MFC与Windows 7?

更新时间:2022-05-15 15:31:28


I don't think that you get this solved with a single message.

当您关闭应用程序时,您还必须区分鼠标操作和Alt + F4
如果使用Alt + F4关闭应用程序,消息看起来是相同的,如从任务栏关闭它(查看lParam值)

When you Close the application you have to distinguish also between a mouse action and Alt+F4 If you close the application with Alt+F4 the message looks identical like closing it from the task bar (Look at the lParam value)


You can look at the last message that was retrieved with GetMessage (the last input message). If the message comes from the task bar it is a posted WM_SYSCOMMAND. If the message comes from the inside you receive the WM_SYSCOMMAND as SendMessage.


You can use AfxGetCurrentMessage to determine what was the last input message. If you find WM_SYSCOMMAND here the close comes from the taskbar. If you find a keyboard or mouse message here the message comes form the user input.

提示:使用Spy ++检查此行为。

Tip: Use Spy++ to examine this behavior.