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如何在Linux Mint中为Windows编译C GTK3 +程序?

更新时间:2023-11-13 13:31:40


I've gone via this tutorial 5 or maybe more times and I found what was wrong.I was exacting commands from wrong directories and downloading wrong version of GTK+ 3 Windows binaries .


My version of mingw is mingw64 thus I needed to download win64 version.

并且我正在/opt/gtk3-win64中执行命令export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gtk3-win64/lib/pkgconfig,但是我需要通过test.c文件所在的目录来执行此命令.

and I was executing command export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gtk3-win64/lib/pkgconfig from /opt/gtk3-win64,but I needed to execute this command via directory in which my test.c file was.


I'll make this tutorial easy for future readers.

  • 通过命令安装mingw cross-compiler

sudo apt-get install mingw-w64

  • 然后从此处下载GTK+ 3 Windows binaries(此中的链接教程较旧,这是最新链接):- http://win32builder.gnome.org/ 下载我错误的版本时,请下载适当的版本.不要犯与我相同的错误.

  • Then Download GTK+ 3 Windows binaries from here(Link in this tutorial is old,here is latest link):- http://win32builder.gnome.org/ Download appropriate version as I was downloading wrong version.don't make the same mistake as mine.


     sudo mkdir /opt/gtkwin && sudo unzip <name of the zip file> -d /opt/gtkwin

  • 然后转到您已解压缩zip文件的目录.在这种情况下,我已像cd /opt/gtkwin一样在/opt/gtkwin/中解压缩并执行以下命令

  • then Go to directory in which you have extracted the zip file.In this case I have extracted in /opt/gtkwin/ like cd /opt/gtkwin and execute the following command

    find -name '*.pc' | while read pc; do sed -e "s@^prefix=.*@prefix=$PWD@" -i "$pc"; done

  • 现在转到您要编译的.c文件所在的目录,然后执行此命令

  • Now go to you directory in which you have .c file which you which to compile.and execute this command

    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gtkwin/lib/pkgconfig

  • 现在通过

  • now compile the program by

    x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc test.c `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0 --libs`



           i586-mingw32msvc-gcc test.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0`

    另外,您应该访问该教程,因为我从那里学到了它:- http ://www.tarnyko.net/en/?q = node/45

    Also you should visit this tutorial as I had learn this from there :- http://www.tarnyko.net/en/?q=node/45


    this will create .exe file which can't run in UNIX as it is targeted to run on DOS