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为什么Func键< T>暧昧与Func键<&IEnumerable的LT; T>&GT ;?

更新时间:2022-05-05 15:39:04


OK, here's the deal.


  • 含糊不清的错误是,奇怪的是足够的,正确的。

  • 的C#编译器4也正确的模糊性错误后产生一个虚假的错误。这似乎是在编译器中的错误。



We have an overload resolution problem. Overload resolution is extremely well specified.

步骤之一:确定所述候选集。这很容易。候选人是美孚(Func键< IEnumerable的<弦乐>>)美孚(Func键<弦乐>)。

Step one: determine the candidate set. That's easy. The candidates are Foo(Func<IEnumerable<String>>) and Foo(Func<String>).


Step two: determine which members of the candidate set are applicable. An applicable member has every argument convertible to every parameter type.

美孚(Func键&LT;&IEnumerable的LT;弦乐&GT;&GT;)适用?那么,是 X 转换为 Func键&LT;&IEnumerable的LT;弦乐&GT;

Is Foo(Func<IEnumerable<String>>) applicable? Well, is X convertible to Func<IEnumerable<String>?

我们咨询规范的第6.6节。该规范的这一部分是我们语言的设计者称之为很奇怪。基本上,它说的转换可以存在,但使用的转换是一个错误的。 (还有为什么我们有这样奇怪的情况很好的理由,大多是具有避免未来的重大更改,避免鸡和蛋的情况下做的,但在你的情况下,我们正变得有些不幸的行为造成的。)

We consult section 6.6 of the spec. This part of the specification is what we language designers call "really weird". Basically, it says that a conversion can exist, but using that conversion is an error. (There are good reasons why we have this bizarre situation, mostly having to do with avoiding future breaking changes and avoiding "chicken and egg" situations, but in your case we are getting somewhat unfortunate behaviour as a result.)


Basically, the rule here is that a conversion from X to a delegate type with no parameters exists if overload resolution on a call of the form X() would succeed. Clearly such a call would succeed, and therefore a conversion exists. Actually using that conversion is an error because the return types don't match, but overload resolution always ignores return types.

所以,转化率从 X 存在 Func键&LT; IEnumerable的&LT;弦乐&GT; ,因此该超载是一个适用的人选。

So, a conversion exists from X to Func<IEnumerable<String>, and therefore that overload is an applicable candidate.


Obviously for the same reason the other overload is also an applicable candidate.


Step Three: We now have two applicable candidates. Which one is "better"?

一来就是更好是一个具有的更具体的的类型。如果你有两个适用的候选人, M(动物) M(长颈鹿)我们选择了长颈鹿的版本,因为长颈鹿是比动物更具体。我们知道,长颈鹿是更具体的,因为每一个长颈鹿是动物,但不是每一种动物是长颈鹿。

The one that is "better" is the one with the more specific type. If you have two applicable candidates, M(Animal) and M(Giraffe) we choose the Giraffe version because a Giraffe is more specific than an Animal. We know that Giraffe is more specific because every Giraffe is an Animal, but not every Animal is a Giraffe.


But in your case neither type is more specific than the other. There is no conversion between the two Func types.


Therefore neither is better, so overload resolution reports an error.


The C# 4 compiler then has what appears to be a bug, where its error recovery mode picks one of the candidates anyways, and reports another error. It's not clear to me why that is happening. Basically it is saying that error recovery is choosing the IEnumerable overload, and then noting that the method group conversion produces an untenable result; namely, that string is not compatible with IEnumerable<String>.

整个形势是相当不幸的;它可能已经不如说是没有方法,组到委托的转换,如果返回类型不匹配。 (或者说产生一个错误转换总是比不转换变得更糟。)但是,我们现在坚持了下来。

The whole situation is rather unfortunate; it might have been better to say that there is no method-group-to-delegate conversion if the return types do not match. (Or, that a conversion that produces an error is always worse than a conversion that does not.) However, we're stuck with it now.

一个有趣的事实:对于lambda表达式转换规则的的考虑返回类型。如果你说美孚(()=&GT; X())然后我们做了正确的事情。即lambda表达式和方法组有不同的兑换规则的事实是相当不幸的。

An interesting fact: the conversion rules for lambdas do take into account return types. If you say Foo(()=>X()) then we do the right thing. The fact that lambdas and method groups have different convertibility rules is rather unfortunate.


So, summing up, the compiler is actually a correct implementation of the spec in this case, and this particular scenario is an unintended consequence of some arguably unfortunate spec choices.