
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-14 21:41:10

您的SIZE定义不合法;只是其中的错误发生在阵列构造上的错误之后.如果只是将[0u8, ..SIZE]更改为[0u8, ..6],以使该部分正常工作,则会发现SIZE声明存在的问题:

Your SIZE definition is not legal; it’s just that the errors in it occur later than the error on the array construction. If you change [0u8, ..SIZE] to [0u8, ..6] just so that that part works, you find the problems with the SIZE declaration:

<anon>:7:24: 7:53 error: function calls in constants are limited to struct and enum constructors [E0015]
<anon>:7     const SIZE: uint = size_of::<BluetoothAddress>();
<anon>:7:24: 7:51 error: paths in constants may only refer to items without type parameters [E0013]
<anon>:7     const SIZE: uint = size_of::<BluetoothAddress>();


You simply can’t call size_of like that at present.


An alternative is to invert things so that SIZE is the canonical definition and the other places use it:

use std::mem::{size_of, size_of_val};

const SIZE: uint = 6;

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct BluetoothAddress([u8, ..SIZE]);

fn main() {
    let bytes = [0u8, ..SIZE];
    println!("{} bytes", size_of_val(&bytes));

更新:使用Rust 1.0,该问题已被有效淘汰,并且编译器错误消息已得到改进,以使它们更加清晰.

Update: With Rust 1.0, this question has been effectively obsoleted, and the compiler error messages have been improved so that they are even more clear.

此外,随着最近登陆的#42859 ,rustc每晚将允许使用size_of在恒定的上下文中,前提是该板条箱具有#![feature(const_fn)](并且#43017 着陆,也将不再需要它,然后它将过滤通过以保持稳定.)

Furthermore, with #42859 recently landed, rustc nightly will allow using size_of in a constant context, provided the crate has #![feature(const_fn)] (and when #43017 lands, that won’t be needed any more either, and then it will filter through to stable).


In other words, improvements to the language have made this no longer an issue.