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在 Powershell 上使用 Azure Active Directory 进行身份验证

更新时间:2021-11-19 21:07:28

Connect-AzureAD cmdlet 建立与ADD domian 的连接,登录成功后会显示:

The cmdlet Connect-AzureAD establishes connection to ADD domian, after we login successed a confirmation will display:

PS C:windowssystem32> connect-azuread

Account                                Environment Tenant
-------                                ----------- ------
jasontest1@xxxxxx.onmicrosoft.com AzureCloud  xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

可以使用此 cmdlet Get-AzureADDomain 验证连接,如果用户连接到 AAD 域,在该域​​中他具有管理 权限 - 有关域的信息将显示:

The connection can be vaildated with this cmdlet Get-AzureADDomain, if the user is connected to AAD domain, where he has management privileges - the information about the domain will be displayed:

PS C:windowssystem32> get-azureaddomain

Name                                        AvailabilityStatus AuthenticationType
----                                        ------------------ ------------------
hcl.com                                                        Managed
msgamestudios.com                                              Managed
foobar.local                                                   Managed
multimap.com                                                   Managed
skypestaytogether.com                                          Managed
insightsquarterly.com.au                                       Managed
calanit.onmicrosoft.com                                        Federated
msft.ccsctp.net                                                Managed
ruffiangames.com                                               Managed
xn--m1bg0b0byewac1j8b.com                                      Managed
VoicesforInnovation.org                                        Managed
shaanximic.com                                                 Managed
www.yunnanmic.com                                              Managed
wsmbela.pss.com                                                Managed
fornax.off                                                     Managed
api.staging.yammer.com                                         Managed
codenauts.net                                                  Managed
acompli.com                                                    Managed
testdomains.co                                                 Managed
microsoft.hr                                                   Managed
Bayportali.mmdservice.com                                      Managed
contoso.com                                                    Managed
api.swrepository.com                                           Managed
Equivio.com                                                    Managed
sunshine.am                                                    Managed
microsoftaffiliates.com                                        Managed


If user has no admin privileges, we will get the error same as you.

Get-AzureADDomain : Error occurred while executing GetDomains
Code: Authentication_Unauthorized
Message: User was not found
HttpStatusCode: Forbidden

原因是,GetAzureADDomian cmdlet 没有指定租户,因此与用户没有管理员权限的域建立了连接.

为确保连接到预期的 AAD 域,必须在调用 Connect-AzureAD cmdlet 时指定租户 ID.

To ensure connection to expected AAD domian, the tenant ID must specified in call to Connect-AzureAD cmdlet.

PS C:windowssystem32> Connect-AzureAD -TenantId