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它的Andr​​oid NDK使用哪种编译器?

更新时间:2023-11-16 09:59:22

NDK的本身调用自定义的交叉编译器建在 ARM-EABI-gcc的编译器。有例子在那里的人们创建使用沼泽标准的GCC实现与ARM指令集的支持自定义的工具链,但是这是出路,我的联赛。大部分我读过,在过去的东西总是讨论了使用包含在NDK工具链编译本土code。

The NDK itself invokes a customized cross-compiler built on the arm-eabi-gcc compiler. There are examples out there of people creating custom toolchains using bog-standard GCC implementations with support for ARM instruction sets but that's way out of my league. Most of the stuff I've read in the past always discussed using the toolchain included with the NDK to compile native code.

推论:大部分谁抱怨,不得不使自己的工具链已经人说人心烦的(假设的)低于标准杆C ++支持NDK的工具链的编译器的人。我不能这样讲,因为有些文章是老年人和Android变化得如此之快。它也一直没有,似乎弹出意见太频繁。

Corollary: Most of the people who have complained and have had to make their own toolchain have been people that were upset with the (supposed) sub-par C++ support of the NDK toolchain's compiler. I can't speak to this because some of the articles were older and Android changes so rapidly. It also hasn't been an opinion that seems to pop up all too frequently.