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更新时间:2023-11-16 10:17:34

在Linux中与CryptProtectMemory()最接近的等效项是 secure_vector .

The closest equivalent in Linux to CryptProtectMemory() is gcry_malloc_secure() in libgcrypt. The secure memory allocated will be locked in memory; gcry_free() will zeroize and deallocate it. Other crypto libraries have similar calls, for instance the template secure_vector in Botan.

另一种方法确实是使用较低级别的POSIX调用 mlock()在整个缓冲区上.但是,将缓冲区归零的负担却在您身上.当不再使用缓冲区时,您必须手动调用 memset())或程序终止时.

Another approach is indeed to use the lower-level POSIX call mlock() on the whole buffer. The burden of zeroizing the buffer is with you though. You must manually call memset()) when the buffer is not used anymore or when your program terminates.


CryptProtectMemory() seems to do something slightly different than any of the two approaches above: it creates a small, random session key and uses it to encrypt the buffer. The benefit is that you only need to lock and finally zeroize only the very small page where the key resides, and not the whole buffer. That may make a difference if the buffer is very big. However, we will not be able to operate or process data in the buffer. There is also a small time window when secret data is swappable.