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为什么我找不到<&CONIO.H GT;在Linux上?

更新时间:2023-11-16 12:36:40

CONIO.H C 头在旧的MS-DOS使用的文件编译器创建文本用户界面。编译器,有针对性非DOS操作系统,比如Linux,Win32和OS / 2,提供的这些功能​​不同的实现。

conio.h is a C header file used in old MS-DOS compilers to create text user interfaces. Compilers that targeted non-DOS operating systems, such as Linux, Win32 and OS/2, provided different implementations of these functions.

的#include<&curses.h里GT; 会给你几乎所有在 CONIO.H $ C $提供的功能C>


For getch() class of functions, you can try this