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ASP.NET MVC2父控制器不重定向

更新时间:2023-11-17 12:09:16


I don't think that's the proper way to do what you want. Instead you should use route constraints on your routes to make sure the id exists, and fall back from there in a "catch all" route.


Routes.MapRoute("Name", "Url", new { ... }, new {
    Id = new IdConstraint() // <- the constraint returns true/false which tells the route if it should proceed to the action


The constraint would be something like this:

public class IdConstraint : IRouteConstraint {
    public bool Match(
        HttpContextBase Context,
        Route Route,
        string Parameter,
        RouteValueDictionary Dictionary,
        RouteDirection Direction) {
        try {
            int Param = Convert.ToInt32(Dictionary[Parameter]);

            using (DataContext dc = new DataContext() {
                ObjectTrackingEnabled = false
            }) {
                return (dc.Table.Any(
                    t =>
                        (t.Id == Param)));
        } catch (Exception) {
            return (false);


This is what I use with my routes to make sure that I'm getting an Id that really exists. If it doesn't exist, the constraint returns a false, and the route does not execute and the request continues down the route chain. At the very bottom of your routes you should have a generic catch all route that sends your user to a page that tells them what they want doesn't exist and to do X or X (something along those lines, I'm just coming up with scenarios).