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phonegap ios插件notificationEx CDVPlugin.h文件找不到

更新时间:2023-11-17 18:26:04

我在安装ShareKit时遇到了同样的问题plugin on Xcode 4.5,cordova 2.1.0& JQM 1.2.0。

#import< Cordova / CDVPlugin.h>
#import< Cordova / CDVPluginResult.h>
//#import< Cordova / JSONKit.h>


对我有用的是注释掉 #ifdef

此外,也可以注释掉整个 #else #import< Cordova / JSONKit.h> 行已在我使用插件下载的源代码中注释掉了,所以我没有打扰它。

I installed the phonegap plugin NotificationEx but I get this error when trying to compile:

CDVPlugin.h file not found.

I'm using Xcode 4.5, cordova 2.2.0 and JQM 1.2.0

any idea what could be wrong?

I had the same problem while installing the ShareKit plugin on Xcode 4.5, cordova 2.1.0 & JQM 1.2.0. The problematic block was:

#import <Cordova/CDVPlugin.h>
#import <Cordova/CDVPluginResult.h>
//#import <Cordova/JSONKit.h>

#import "CDVPlugin.h"
#import "CDVPluginResult.h"
#import "JSONKit.h"

What worked for me is commenting out the #ifdef line as well as commenting out the whole #else block.

Also, the #import <Cordova/JSONKit.h> line was already commented out in the source code that I downloaded with the plugin, so I didn't bother messing with that.