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SBT 在 Artifactory Maven 存储库中找不到快照

更新时间:2023-11-17 18:35:28

问题不在于我的 sbt 配置,而在于我的存储库服务器.

The issue was not with my sbt configuration after all, but with my repository server.

我正在使用 Artifactory,默认情况下,快照存储库配置为使用唯一快照".这些快照的文件名在发布时被修改为包含时间戳,sbt 13.x 似乎无法理解.

I'm using Artifactory, and the snapshots repository was configured to use "unique snapshots" by default. The filenames of these snapshots are modified as they are published to include a timestamp, which sbt 13.x doesn't seem to understand.

将存储库的Maven Snapshot Version Behaviour"从Unique"更改为Nonunique"后,一切都开始工作了.

After changing the repository's "Maven Snapshot Version Behaviour" from "Unique" to "Nonunique", everything started to work.