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更新时间:2023-11-17 21:07:46


来自 Java™Servlet规范版本3.1(JSR 340)




  • / 字符开头的字符串以 / * 后缀结尾用于

  • *。前缀开头的字符串用作扩展名映射

  • 空字符串()是一个特殊的URL模式,它完全映射到
    ,即 http:// host:port /< contextroot> / 形式的请求。
    在这种情况下,路径信息是 / ,并且servlet路径和上下文路径是

  • 仅包含 / 字符的字符串表示defaultservlet

  • 所有其他字符串仅用于完全匹配

作为补充,请阅读本书 Head First Servlets& JSP:通过Sun认证Web组件开发人员考试(第2版)(引用):

三种类型< url-pattern> 元素



< url-pattern> /Beer/SelectBeer.do< / url-pattern>

  • 必须以斜杠开头( / )。

  • 可以有一个扩展名(如.do),但不是必需的。



< url-pattern> / Beer / *< / url-pattern>

  • 必须以斜杠开头( / ) 。

  • 总是以斜杠/星号结尾( / * )。



< url-pattern> *。执行< / url-pattern>

  • 必须以星号( * )开头(绝对不带斜线)。

  • 之后星号,它必须有一个点扩展名(.do,.jsp等)。

  • 重要提示:




    我想要host:port to点击我的servlet,而不是默认的tomcat servlet



    换句话说,你想要的是没有ap的路径 plication context ,这意味着Tomcat默认应用程序的应用程序上下文。


    目录(CATALINA_BASE)/ webapps /下,有一个名为 ROOT $的目录b $ b(即使在Windows下,大写字母也很重要)。 这是当前Tomcat默认应用程序的
    http:// myhost时,现在调用
    。 company.com [:端口]

    I am trying to implement a servlet that gets raw requests, and decide either to process them, or forward them to another backend server. It is similar to a load-balancer, where a received request is forwarded to one of the (in my case 2) destinations. One of the destination is remote (on another host). Furthermore, the requests could come to the root (http://mycompany.com/).

    Since I want to get raw requests, I implemented my own servlet (subclassing HttpServlet), and that works great. My servlet looks like:

    public class MyProxyServlet extends HttpServlet {
        protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
            processOrForward(req, resp);
        // also doGet(), doHead(), ...

    Since the service I want to process may send requests to the root, I would like to map my servlet to be the default servlet, thereby receiving any request that does not have an explicit servlet mapping. Assume my servlet's name is "myservlet", and is running along side of another servlet "foo", I expect all requests in the form of http://mycompany.com/foo/... to be delivered to foo, and everything else (e.g., /, /bar/..., /myservlet/...) to "myservlet". Looking at earlier posts (eg., root mapping here and here, or url rewriting here), I thought I figured it out, but it does not work.

    Here is my web.xml:


    In the above web.xml, for url-pattern I tried

    "/" and "/*" and empty (i.e., <url-pattern></url-pattern>), all behave the same -->
        Requests to root (/)goes to tomcat's default servlet
        Requests to /myservlet/... are handled by "myservlet"
        Requests to /fubar/... are always 404

    Is there a way of turning my servlet to be the default. I.e., any request that does not map specifically to a servlet comes to mine (it is even acceptable to receive all requests, since I can deploy this servlet in its own container). In case it matters, I am using Tomcat 7.0.30 on Ubuntu 12.10.

    This should be useful to you.

    From the Java™ Servlet Specification Version 3.1 (JSR 340)

    Chapter 12. Mapping Requests to Servlets

    12.2 Specification of Mappings

    In the Web application deployment descriptor, the following syntax is used to define mappings:

    • A string beginning with a / character and ending with a /* suffix is used for path mapping.

    • A string beginning with a *. prefix is used as an extension mapping.

    • The empty string ("") is a special URL pattern that exactly maps to the application's context root, i.e., requests of the form http://host:port/<contextroot>/. In this case the path info is / and the servlet path and context path is empty string ("").

    • A string containing only the / character indicates the "default" servlet of the application. In this case the servlet path is the request URI minus the context path and the path info is null.

    • All other strings are used for exact matches only.

    As an addition, read this nice explanation with short examples from the book Head First Servlets & JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam (2nd edition) (quote):

    The THREE types of <url-pattern> elements

    1) EXACT match


    • MUST begin with a slash (/).
    • Can have an extension (like .do), but it’s not required.

    2) DIRECTORY match


    • MUST begin with a slash (/).
    • Always ends with a slash/asterisk (/*).

    3) EXTENSION match


    • MUST begin with an asterisk (*) (NEVER with a slash).
    • After the asterisk, it MUST have a dot extension (.do, .jsp, etc.).

    The URL patterns represent logical / virtual structure, i.e. the patterns (paths) specified does not need to exist physically.


    If you want, as you say in your comment,

    I want host:port to hit my servlet, not the default tomcat servlet

    then see the solution here:
    How do I make my web application be the Tomcat default application

    In other words, what you want is a path without application context, which implies the application context of the Tomcat default application.

    Quote from the above link:

    In a standard Tomcat installation, you will notice that under the same directory (CATALINA_BASE)/webapps/, there is a directory called ROOT (the capitals are important, even under Windows). That is the residence of the current Tomcat default application, the one that is called right now when a user calls up http://myhost.company.com[:port]. The trick is to put your application in its place.