
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-17 21:50:58


As pointed above in the comment section, it seems that there is no sure "works in every distribution" way of doing this. What follows is what I've used to detect what kind of an environment a script is being run:

def linux_variant
  r = { :distro => nil, :family => nil }

  if File.exists?('/etc/lsb-release')
    File.open('/etc/lsb-release', 'r').read.each_line do |line|
      r = { :distro => $1 } if line =~ /^DISTRIB_ID=(.*)/

  if File.exists?('/etc/debian_version')
    r[:distro] = 'Debian' if r[:distro].nil?
    r[:family] = 'Debian' if r[:variant].nil?
  elsif File.exists?('/etc/redhat-release') or File.exists?('/etc/centos-release')
    r[:family] = 'RedHat' if r[:family].nil?
    r[:distro] = 'CentOS' if File.exists?('/etc/centos-release')
  elsif File.exists?('/etc/SuSE-release')
    r[:distro] = 'SLES' if r[:distro].nil?

  return r

这不是处理地球上每个GNU/Linux发行版的完整解决方案.实际上,远非如此.例如,尽管OpenSUSE和SUSE Linux Enterprise Server是两个完全不同的野兽,但它们没有区别.此外,即使只有几个发行版,这也是一个意大利面条.但这也许是一个可以建立的基础.

This is not a complete solution to handle every GNU/Linux distribution on earth. Far from it, actually. For example it makes no distinction between OpenSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, though they are two quite different beasts. Besides, it's quite a spaghetti even with just a few distros. But it might be something one might be able to build on.


You can find a more complete example of distribution detection from the source code of Facter which is used, among other things, to feed facts to a configuration management system Puppet.