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Python 从标准输入中读取参数

更新时间:2023-11-17 23:22:16

您的 preprocess.py 文件正在尝试读取表单 sys.argv[1] 并打开它作为文件.

Your preprocess.py file is trying to read form sys.argv[1] and open it as a file.

如果您将 -h 传递给命令行,它会尝试打开具有该名称的文件.

If you pass -h to your command line, it is trying to open file with that name.

你的 preprocess 函数不应该关心命令行参数,它应该获取打开的文件描述符作为参数.

Your preprocess function shall not care about command line parameters, it shall get the open file descriptor as an argument.


So after you parse command line parameters, you shall take care about providing file descriptor, in your case it will be sys.stdin.

argparse 没有任何问题,我最喜欢的解析器是 docopt,我将用它来说明命令行解析、准备最终函数调用和最终函数调用的典型拆分.您也可以使用 argparse 实现相同的效果.

There is nothing wrong with argparse, my favourite parser is docopt and I will use it to illustrate typical split of command line parsing, preparing final function call and final function call. You can achieve the same with argparse too.


First install docopt:

$ pip install docopt

fromstdin.py 代码如下:

"""fromstdin - Training and Testing Framework
Usage: fromstdin.py [options] <input>

    --text=<textmodel>         Text model [default: text.txt]
    --features=<features>      Features model [default: features.txt]
    --test=<testset>           Testing set [default: testset.txt]
    --vectorizer=<vectorizer>  The vectorizec [default: vector.txt]

Read data from <input> file. Use "-" for reading from stdin.
import sys

def main(fname, text, features, test, vectorizer):
    if fname == "-":
        f = sys.stdin
        f = open(fname)
    process(f, text, features, test, vectorizer)
    print "main func done"

def process(f, text, features, test, vectorizer):
    print "processing"
    print "input parameters", text, features, test, vectorizer
    print "reading input stream"
    for line in f:
        print line.strip("\n")
    print "processing done"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from docopt import docopt
    args = docopt(__doc__)
    print args
    infile = args["<input>"]
    textfile = args["--text"]
    featuresfile = args["--features"]
    testfile = args["--test"]
    vectorizer = args["--vectorizer"]
    main(infile, textfile, featuresfile, testfile, vectorizer)


$ python fromstdin.py
Usage: fromstdin.py [options] <input>


$ python fromstdin.py -h
fromstdin - Training and Testing Framework
Usage: fromstdin.py [options] <input>

    --text=<textmodel>         Text model [default: text.txt]
    --features=<features>      Features model [default: features.txt]
    --test=<testset>           Testing set [default: testset.txt]
    --vectorizer=<vectorizer>  The vectorizec [default: vector.txt]

Read data from <input> file. Use "-" for reading from stdin.


Use it, feeding from stdin:

(so)javl@zen:~/sandbox/so/cmd$ ls | python fromstdin.py -
{'--features': 'features.txt',
 '--test': 'testset.txt',
 '--text': 'text.txt',
 '--vectorizer': 'vector.txt',
 '<input>': '-'}
input parameters text.txt features.txt testset.txt vector.txt
reading input stream
processing done
main func done