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如何将URL参数列表字符串分解为成对的[key] => [值]数组?

更新时间:2023-11-18 18:44:40

使用PHP的 parse_str 函数.

Use PHP's parse_str function.

$str = 'a=1&b=2&c=3';
$exploded = array();
parse_str($str, $exploded);
$exploded['a']; // 1


I wonder where you get this string from? If it's part of the URL after the question mark (the query string of an URL), you can already access it via the superglobal $_GET array:

# in script requested with http://example.com/script.php?a=1&b=2&c=3
$_GET['a']; // 1
var_dump($_GET); // array(3) { ['a'] => string(1) '1', ['b'] => string(1) '2', ['c'] => string(1) '3' )